25 steps to be a cool designer

Design 25 steps to be a cool designer Since few people can afford a college degree, I decided to create a simple 25 step program that you can follow to become the next Jony Ive. This will save you some money and you won’t have to worry about ...

55 Adobe Photoshop Tutorials for Beginners

Lesson 55 Adobe Photoshop Tutorials for Beginners A series of different kinds of video tutorials that will help you master simple but effective techniques, tools and reveal many secrets of Adobe Photoshop. Photo manipulation Under the city. Simple Photoshop Effect Channels and alpha channels in Photoshop. Photoshop RGB channels 5 ...

20 cool GIF makers

Design 20 cool GIF makers A selection of works by 20 insanely talented GIF illustrators. From 8-bit funny animations to picturesque moving comics. These guys are using GIFs in mind-blowing ways. If you are an aspiring illustrator or want to level up in animation, you can definitely find your idol ...

Must read: designer handbooks

Design Must read: designer handbooks Professional books will help form the basis for your work, develop the necessary skills and help you avoid the mistakes that predecessors stuffed the bumps on. The selection features the top 5 most popular designer handbooks based on a survey of everyone in the AIC ...

Indentation in design: a systematic approach

Design Indentation in design: a systematic approach Hello, we are Kelnik agency, and we often work with large projects – corporate websites, development projects and sophisticated touch-table interfaces. To speed up development, we come up with systems that help clean up the mess. One of such systems is working with ...

10 videos from Mail Design Conference

Design 10 videos from Mail Design Conference The conference participants – designers, developers and product managers, use their examples to tell how effective modern digital products, design tools and illustrations are created. Dima and Leta Stolz – Vivid illustration We closed the main program with a story about our illustration ...

Liza Krasnova “Markers!”

Book Liza Krasnova “Markers!” Bright, juicy, fashionable … markers! This material blew up the Internet a couple of years ago, excited the sketchers and still does not let go. What is the secret of popularity? “Markers!” – a novelty from the publishing house “Bombora” (formerly “Eksmo”), released in the #instartist ...

John Lawes “Diary of a Naturalist Artist”

Book John Lawes “Diary of a Naturalist Artist” How to keep the rapidly slipping away summer?– No way. But you can try to keep rich colors and a little warmth on the pages of a naturalist’s diary. And where to start and how to enjoy the process and the result, ...

Sara Simblet “Botany for the Artist”

Book Sara Simblet “Botany for the Artist” The Complete Plant Drawing Tutorial will help you immerse yourself in the world of botanical illustration. The most delightful specimens from the botanical collections are the basis for hundreds of drawings and photographs in this book. It includes about 550 plant species from ...