7 rules for working with a design agency

Design 7 rules for working with a design agency The executive director of the studio “Turum-Burum” Dmitry Kukuruza talks about the rules of working with any design studio or “Why is your blue not blue enough?” Effective work on a project for an agency and a client is like a ...

12 principles of visual hierarchy

Design 12 principles of visual hierarchy What is the difference between a really cool composition and not so much? The devil is in the details. The Visme team visualized and described them – the basic rules for creating awesome content. 1. Size and scale Size matters, of course – but ...

49 useful resources to help a designer

Design 49 useful resources to help a designer In modern realities, a designer cannot afford to wait for a muse, but having good sources of inspiration at hand, he is able to tune in to the desired “wave” without it. We bring to your attention a selection of useful resources ...

Optimize images for the web

Design Optimize images for the web One of the best ways to create a fast website is to optimize images. HTML, CSS, JavaScripts, and fonts also play a role, but nothing can make a website more heavy than tons of unoptimized graphics. More often than not, images make up the ...

How to quickly assemble a spectacular picture with PixelSquid

Design How to quickly assemble a spectacular picture with PixelSquid Did you have to painstakingly select sources for photo manipulations? Too lazy to master a 3D tool? Good news: there is a library of 3D models and a plugin for using them in Photoshop called PixelSquid. Today you can use ...

Designer of the Future 2.0: 5 Lectures for Designers

Design Designer of the Future 2.0: 5 Lectures for Designers On December 9, practicing designers spoke at a meetup held in the CONTENTED lecture hall. Their lectures are designed to help a designer learn to understand business problems and focus primarily on solving them, and not on design for the ...

24 mobile apps for artists and illustrators

Design 24 mobile apps for artists and illustrators As always, you try to find a good tablet or phone app so you can draw tirelessly and you run into problems. It is inconvenient to use the application, it is impossible to save or send a sketch. This article presents the ...

People burn out if they don’t feel important. What to do about it?

Design People burn out if they don’t feel important. What to do about it? Kesha Skirnevsky, co-owner of Zebrainy (“Skazbook”), talks about motivation in terms of the structure of the brain. I ran a marketing department at a factory, founded a trailer studio, and now run Zebrainy, a company that ...

Empathy tools in the work of a designer

Design Empathy tools in the work of a designer One of the most important qualities of a designer is empathy, the ability to put oneself in another person’s shoes and feel the same way that he or she feels. Kostya Gorsky tells how to develop empathy and use it as ...

6 mistakes that turn presentations into a murder weapon

Design 6 mistakes that turn presentations into a murder weapon And it’s not just about the wrong design of slides in PowerPoint – we need to learn how to communicate correctly, regardless of whether there are slides behind our backs or not. 1. Instead of telling stories, we make slides ...