How to manage user attention with the help of design?

Design How to manage user attention with the help of design? The ability of visual content to control user attention is rarely talked about, but it is an important aspect of effective web design. Every visitor evaluates a new site on the first page loaded – knowingly or unknowingly. Originality ...

User Interface Icons

Design User Interface Icons User Interface Icons – a set of vector icons made in 3 styles, designed for use in colorful application interfaces and websites. In total, the set of User Interface Icons contains 40 unique icons, which, although they do not cover all the needs of a large ...

Tips for designing user interface for games

Creating user interfaces is one of the most important tasks in game development. Evgeny Lazebny, designer, developer and director Tapteek, talked about this process based on his experience and gave some practical advice. When we talk about user interface, we mean a lot more than just pretty screens with cute ...