How Web Development Shapes Modern Digital Entertainment

The entertainment industry is at an all-time peak, continuously and consistently growing to even greater heights. As we delve deeper into this fascinating realm, as consumers, we will soon have an unimaginable amount of choice when it comes to pastimes and engaging activities. At the center of all this, is ...

How to make profitable website design development # 1

Design How to make profitable website design development # 1 An article written by Igor Abyzov and published on the Habrahabr portal about the basic rules of profitable website development. The article is written in 5 parts, we publish the first of them. Let’s first define who this article is ...

Jessica Glazer “Design. Development of projects. Wake up your inspiration! “

Book Jessica Glazer “Design. Development of projects. Wake up your inspiration! “ How to complete tasks The process of setting goals in the book “Design. Project Development ”is structured as follows: First comes a listing of the tools you will need. Yes, yes, not all design should be focused only ...

TOP-5 resources for professional development of a designer

Design TOP-5 resources for professional development of a designer How to become a good designer with a sense of trends, you will not be taught at the university – this is a fact. But how to constantly grow and stay away from the creative crisis is not difficult to tell: ...

5 stages of designer development

Design 5 stages of designer development Translation of material by Dennis Humbekers, strategic design consultant at Zuiderlicht. The designer goes through several stages of development. Each is distinguished by its own set of requirements, goals and the nature of the work. Based on the Invision Design Frontier report and Greiner’s ...

29 lectures on branding: creation, promotion, development

Design 29 lectures on branding: creation, promotion, development Today, a brand is no longer just a logo and corporate identity. A brand is a principle that unites the company’s products and creates a single recognizable image. Therefore, branding includes both design, planning, analytics and painstaking work on the logo, brand ...

Brief instructions for designers on transferring tasks to development

Design Brief instructions for designers on transferring tasks to development You are a designer. You drew a layout and want to bring it to life. The instruction will help you get a good result. 1. Realize your helplessness. You yourself will not implement the layout. Even if you know how ...

TOP 5 books for the development of creative thinking

Book TOP 5 books for the development of creative thinking 5 books for the development of creative thinking that work no worse than psychotherapy – they will distract from anxiety, return a productive mood, and give clear recommendations for finding new solutions. “The Genius Within” by Mark Levy Transitioning an ...