What to pay a designer for?


What to pay a designer for?

Hollywood films and beatnik literature have completely distorted the understanding that the creative profession is work and time. Now try to prove that the idea is born in agony and without the help of alcoholic or other vapors. GoDesigner will try to tell you what designers have to pay for, why they charge such fees, and why a logo needs to be paid in five figures.



If you want to attract capable talented designers, then they will usually be specialists with higher education. Education in state art universities lasts more than usual – 6 years, and the cost of worthy capital programs from 190,000 – 320,000 rubles per year.

Materials (edit)

Many subjects in such universities require brushes, paints, paper, cartridges and other expensive tools. For example, a professional felt-tip pen for illustrators costs 100 rubles per color. All this art takes an average of 3000-7000 rubles a month from the pockets of already poor students.

Fonts and software

Do you want to receive a quality product? A professional designer wants to make him stronger than you, but for that he needs the tools. After all, you see, hammering a nail with a slipper is not the best solution.

Every creative needs programs: for vector and bitmap graphics, layout and image processing, working with fonts, and more. But the main thing is fonts, you have to pay for all high-quality ones. The average price for one style is from 1000 rubles.


You probably want to save yourself from typing errors, or enlist the reliable support of a professional. After 6 years of study, a designer should definitely get 2 years of work experience or a year of internship.

At the same time, the average salary of a designer in large cities is equal to 170-230 rubles per hour, while a visit to a plumber costs 2000 rubles.


People of images for work need to look for analogs, look for references and just stay on the wave. With the advent of the Internet, this has become easier, but not better. Professional literature is published only abroad, and costs an average of 1500-2000r.


To remain always inspired, the designer must visit exhibitions, world museums and leading galleries. A ticket costs an average of 150-600 rubles, not including air fees.

Training – 190,000 – 320,000 rubles / year
Hood. materials for the training period – 3000 – 7000 rubles / year
Font – from 1000r.
Adobe CS6 – 47 600 rubles.
Experience in the agency – payment 170 rubles / hour
Design books – 1500 – 2000 rubles.
Exhibition ticket – 150 – 600 rubles.
Aviasbor – ∞

For those who were still indifferent to the cost of a professional designer, we interviewed leading experts and tried to answer the question: so what makes up the price of a good design.


If you want to attract professionals, then you need to immediately write more than 30 thousand for a logo.

Evgeny Evgrafov, Chekhovsky district / Moscow

If you want to attract professionals, then you need to immediately write more than 30 thousand for a logo. Anything less is completely different people will do. There are, of course, rough diamonds, but mostly these are young designers who do not have a lot of work experience, but rarely shoot accurately.
The customer, when working with a master, first of all pays for the fact that the goal will be achieved in any case, and the process will not hang due to the internal problems of the designer. After all, the more experienced a person is, the more he works as a psychologist, the design and visual part fades into the background. Together, you are looking for acceptable boundaries for the display of an idea, somewhere it unfolds wider, somewhere it shrinks, but you will always feel understanding if you are honest with yourself and the designer. This is a completely different level of co-creation.

What is the sum of the sum? It’s hard to say, everyone has it differently. If the task is not very difficult, then it is easier to estimate the labor costs by hours, which will include all the time of work on the project (discussions, meetings, searching for materials and references, replies to letters, the work itself and edits). If you need to do something huge, then it’s easier to count in months or to reveal the cost of solving a problem. For example, a designer receives a salary of X per month, and the project will take 3 months of full employment, which means the amount will be X * 3.


It is necessary to provide the designer with the opportunity to deal with one project, excluding parallel work.

Lesha Galkin, St. Petersburg

I have always disliked the question of assessing the cost of my work. It is very difficult to evaluate the work until you get involved in the project and understand exactly how everything will go. The price depends on the time spent, but there are two types of time in our work: the time spent looking for an idea, and the time spent on the “technical part”, that is, the implementation of the idea itself. So, the first part can be very delayed and it is not possible to calculate it in advance. And there is no point in doing the second one until there is a cool idea.
So, quite often, not understanding how the process will go, I call the minimum cost of the work and as a result, much more time and effort is spent than I expected. Therefore, you have to take on other projects in parallel to compensate for the lack of earnings. From the fact that you do projects in parallel, the quality suffers and the process of both slows down even more. This is a trap that I have fallen into more than once. As a result, the customer is not happy and you. But in the end, of course, everyone reconciles and rejoices that in the end you can see the result.

Way out: to provide the designer with the opportunity to deal with one project, excluding parallel work. In this case, pay more, and it should be in the interests of the customer, and then everyone will be happy.


The designer invests in his education, and the client invests in the designer, thus a connection is formed, and the client gains the knowledge that the designer has.

Olga Gambaryan, Krasnodar

You have to pay for the design. After all, these are services provided by professionals such as bakers, installers, lawyers and others. Designer services are a very flexible product. When choosing a contractor, the client must understand that the price can be different. It depends on the level of professional skills of the designer, the amount of time, effort and money spent on training.

The designer invests in his education, and the client invests in the designer, thus a connection is formed, and the client gains the knowledge that the designer has.

Design is not just a beautiful picture, it solves specific tasks, is designed for efficiency and results. It is for this decision that the client pays the designer.


You have to pay for a design, because you can only get a quality design without paying if you are a very close friend …

Sasha Sementsev, Barcelona

You have to pay for a design, because you can only get a quality design without paying if you are a very close friend. And in order to become a close friend, out of the blue, you need to spend time and money on organizing an acquaintance with a designer, spend hundreds of minutes for communication, share numerous design interests and corresponding spending on them, share absolutely non-design interests and similar spending on them, if necessary , treat the designer with ice cream, Coca-Cola or good wine, comfort him in moments of creative weakness, listen to professional and near-professional monologues by means of communication (pay again), drive him to meeting points with paying clients (he does everything for you after all), borrow money for him to buy a new book or a couple of cool fonts, enter his position (many times), not find a way out of the situation (many times), believe, love and wait.

Or just pay whatever the designer sees fit for his work.

Source: godesigner.ru


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