Is anime-Planet a pay site?

Anime-Planet has become a beloved platform for anime enthusiasts worldwide, offering a vast library of shows and manga to explore. But as users delve deeper into this virtual haven of animated content, a looming question often arises: is Anime-Planet a pay site? With the rise of subscription-based streaming services dominating ...

What is the difference between logos for 1 million and 1000 rubles, and when does it make sense to pay more?

Pricing in design defies logic. And this can be seen especially clearly in the cost of logos: one cannot be sure that a work worth millions of rubles will be more successful than a free drawing on a napkin. And what about the customer then? Can you expect a good ...

What to pay a designer for?

Design What to pay a designer for? Hollywood films and beatnik literature have completely distorted the understanding that the creative profession is work and time. Now try to prove that the idea is born in agony and without the help of alcoholic or other vapors. GoDesigner will try to tell ...

Mike Monteiro “Fuck you. Pay me “

Design Mike Monteiro “Fuck you. Pay me “ In this video, Mike Monteiro explains how to get customers to pay for completed projects. The title of the performance is “Fuck you. Pay me ”fully reflects the expressive style of this master class. Related Articles Seminars by Art. Lebedev Studio Irina ...