10 stories of how one idea beats any design

Design 10 stories of how one idea beats any design Graphic designer Vladimir Ayuev told why a good idea does not need decoration, and the best design is the absence of design. As a person who cannot draw, and, moreover, a lazy person, I am especially inspired by works in ...

Stephen Heller “Idea Book. Graphic design”

Book Stephen Heller “Idea Book. Graphic design” Here is a book from professional designer and educator Stephen Heller, who has brought together not only the best of the best examples of typography, photography, composition and formwork by acclaimed 20th century design professionals, but also the work of contemporary designers. Essentially, ...

Designer, sell your idea! Or no one will know about you

Design Designer, sell your idea! Or no one will know about you Every professional, and even more so a designer, faced problems when communicating their ideas, perhaps without even realizing it. Think of the moments when the client was dissatisfied with your work or the manager could not grasp the ...

Sketching as a quick way to get an idea across. Designer first steps

Design Sketching as a quick way to get an idea across. Designer first steps Sketching is a technique that is widely used in the design process. It helps to quickly visualize ideas, coordinate them with the customer and minimize the risk of misunderstanding. What are sketches, why are they needed ...