Danny Gregory “Creative Rights”

Danny Gregory “Creative Rights”


Danny Gregory “Creative Rights”

“This book will give you what you already have – permission to create: a lot, bright, brilliant. Heredity, public opinion, talent and money have nothing to do with it – only your volitional decision. “

A book that combines sketchbook guidance with discourse on art and life.

Danny Grerogy will tell you how he went from office plankton to a happy creative person. Just open the book and let yourself be creative. Drawing is like driving a car. There are hardly any people who are unable to learn this.

Who is this book for?

For people of different professions, mentality and worldview. For those who languish in anticipation of the beautiful and still cannot start living a creative life and feel the moment “here and now”.

Danny Gregory “Creative Rights”

What is this book about?

This book is about the path of an ordinary person to creativity. About the difficulties and obstacles that arise on the way, about everyday life, the “home-work-home” regime and how to overcome all this for the sake of happiness to live a creative life.

The author writes not only about drawing, but also touches upon more global topics: about the past and the future, about a life that must be lived and not existed, about music, about the meaning of art. What is the meaning of artistic or any other creativity? You will leave, but it will remain.


Creativity is not only art

In fact, there is much more creativity around us than we think, it fills our every day. What to wear? Which way to go to work? What to cook? All these questions require us to make a choice. Choosing a look for a party or preparing an unusual dessert, you are already doing creativity.

So go ahead and let your potential unfold. At the end of the book, Danny Gregory provides a list titled “Are you someone …”, which lists interesting creative directions, including those that you are hearing about for the first time.


I want to create, what’s next?

A significant place is given to the idea of ​​keeping an art diary. This book differs from similar motivational manuals in that it provides very specific instructions for action. That is, don’t just “paint every day”. This, in general, is understandable. For example, you will find the answer to the question “what if my enthusiasm has dried up after 3 days?”

In addition, unlike the vast majority of books on fiction, there is no chapter on materials. Because it doesn’t matter, the author will not describe any specific technique that requires professional paints, brushes and exclusively cotton paper. Although, in between, he notes that for the first year of his “active” drawing, he used only a black pen and a notebook made of the most ordinary paper. In the second year, he added gray markers and only in the third – watercolor.

The book contains quite substantive reasoning about drawing. The author not only strongly motivates, but also shares useful information about negative space, drawing a person, detailing, etc.


Are they born as artists?

Danny Gregory himself had a desire to draw in his soul for decades, but gave himself “creative rights” already in adulthood. He did not attend art school or design department. He just does what he loves, because he cannot help doing.

In addition to the author’s personal history, the reader will get acquainted with four characters who have been drawn to creativity all their lives. These are four completely different stories about overcoming circumstances, everyday life, an internal critic, about constant growth and development in order to live, how to like it and do what you want.

How was the book made?

Bright and unusual. By itself, it resembles a filled sketchbook, hardcover and large format. On the one hand, it looks attractive: colorful imperfect illustrations that give the impression of a living diary, but on the other, as if a handwritten, “dancing” font is completely unreadable. There is a lot of text in the book, and your eyes will get tired of dancing along with these scribbles. Unfortunately, beauty and functionality did not meet each other.



The book will be a great kick-start. It not only convincingly sets out the reasons why you can start and why it’s time, but also how to organize your classes. The author looks at the world very realistically and tells what to do if after three days your enthusiasm has died away. Danny Gregory perceives creativity as an integral part of life, shares “philosophical considerations” that you will surely enjoy. The book is not about how to make drawing your profession, but how to enjoy your life and draw just because you can’t help but do it.

Buy the book “Creative Rights”

Danny Gregory’s book “Creative Rights” is available for purchase in the online stores Ozon.ru and Labyrinth at a price of 900 rubles.

Author: Evgeniya Suvorova