7 ways to use blue in your firm’s colors

7 ways to use blue in your firm’s colors


7 ways to use blue in your firm’s colors

This article is about how to use blue in your logo and corporate identity. We have collected the most popular shades and combinations of blue, you will find out where they are used most often and what effect can be achieved with their help. This article will be useful to anyone who uses blue in their project design or is still thinking about which color to choose.

Classic blue

7 ways to use blue in your firm’s colors

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The role of classic blue is the good guy. He is conservative, looks clean, tidy, calming and credible. The main associations with blue are sky and water, cold and calm. The blue color goes well with white, it is convenient to use it as a background.

It is the favorite color of the IT industry and social media, electronics manufacturers, automotive giants and banks. World renowned companies act as illustrations: Twitter, Ford, Intel, Yota, Vkontakte, Windows 8, 10 logos and many, many, many others.

Logomachine, for example, used classic blue to create a light, airy look for Pixel. We relied on belonging to the IT industry, openness and professionalism of the project. Uncomplicated elements of a rounded shape at a great distance from each other and a warm shade of blue gave the desired effect.


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Classic blue does not cause rejection. It is suitable if you position your project as a reliable partner you can trust.

It is a symbol of creativity, openness and novelty. The designer uses the lightness of the hue to show the mood of the company – Ford uses a darker one, Twitter on the contrary – a lighter, lighter one.

Blue + red


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Designers love to use shades of blue combined with vibrant, vibrant colors. The most popular symbiosis is the blue + red pair. This contrasting combination draws attention against the backdrop of monochromatic competitors.

Famous examples are easy to find in the motor oil industry: Mobil, Chevron, Valvoline. Bicolor is also loved by automakers. The most popular example of a combination of blue and red is PEPSI. In this case, red is in second place. Pepsi packaging and advertising banners are a combination of blue and white.

Blue and red can be used in different proportions, depending on the emotion you want to evoke. For example, a red background with a blue sign can shock and hurt your eyes. A blue background and a red sign – on the contrary, calms, only hints at an aggressive mood. The corporate identity based on the combination of these colors is similar to a man in a classic suit wearing a tie with Mickey Mouse.



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Menthol is located on the border between green and blue. So called shades, from aquamarine to aquamarine. It creates a feeling of freshness, lightness, tenderness and purity.

The most popular associations with him are mint and the tropical sea.

The Matiz coffee brand uses menthol as its base color, combined with yellow, brown, red and purple, depending on the type of coffee.

Natural cosmetics manufacturer 2b (Bio & Beauty) has built its corporate identity on a combination of menthol and dark gray. Melez Tea, Made Coffee, Blank UI makers – use it as a background. For American jewelers Tiffany & Co, menthol has become a real cult.

Our designers also chose menthol color, creating a corporate identity for the Mint Elephant ice cream sellers. The associations with lightness, freshness and closeness to nature suited the company best. Menthol is complemented by straw and white colors, as well as small multi-colored elements.


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Menthol is suitable for those who produce food or open a cafe, creative agencies, interior designers, lingerie sellers. He will help the project become recognizable in any other area.



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Color provocateur. For the last twenty years, it has been associated with the computer screen of the DOS era, which is why it is sometimes called “computer blue”.

Today it is a hint of a connection with the past of the IT industry and its foundations.

Imagine a girl who comes in an evening dress and, for example, sneakers – this is a provocation or an act of protest that attracts attention and is remembered.

Computer blue is a cool and austere color, it is often used with a sans serif serif font, which has a common size for all letters of the alphabet, it is easy to read and called grotesque.

Computer blue is slightly darker than classic, unnatural and very rich.

It is rarely used by large companies, only Western Digital comes to mind, but small creative teams or agencies that organize concerts, website and software developers stand out from the general background with their bright blue “screens”.

When we developed the corporate identity for Digital Motion, we used cool blue in combination with white and blue hues.

The image was complemented by colorful “system” fonts, creating an association with the Windows interface.


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Computer blue is a risky move that speaks to your originality in the first place. Not everyone likes it, but it’s a great way to stand out from the competition. It is a color for projects with a narrow target audience, such as subcultural clothing manufacturers or contemporary art exhibitions.

In any other area, it can also be used to destroy templates. Ultramarine will do its job if you, firstly, want to show that you are doing something special, and secondly, that you have a taste.

Blue is the basis for other colors


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A popular technique used to create a sense of brightness and variety.

Publishers and software manufacturers choose dark blue as their primary color. Travel companies, cafes and clothing manufacturers are more pastel colors that emphasize the lightness and attitude to the product as something made by hand. Both techniques inspire confidence in many people, create a positive mood.

Based on this combination, travel companies Eccentric Travels, Sankeo, animation studio Gotham Pro Animated, Open View financiers and many others build their corporate identity.

It was interesting for our designers to work on the corporate identity of Crowd Back, a platform for creating polls and polls.

The image was built on associations with direct speech and a pie chart, an allusion to many existing opinions. The central element of the style was the letter “C”, stylized as a graphic icon of direct speech.


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Pairing base blue with a variety of other colors is a good way to draw attention to your brand. Use colorful banners, posters, and other media. The technique is suitable for large companies that have a wide range of offers for the client – it can be wholesales, online stores or advertising agencies with thousands of creative solutions.

Noble blue


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For many people, dark blue is associated with wealth and privileged position. It is a great base for white, silver or gold, and in this role, dark blue successfully replaces black.

Against its background, the elements painted in silver, white or gold stand out well. It blends easily with other shades of blue.

Dark blue is used by brands whose image is based on product quality or initially high status. Royal Blue is popular with government agencies, banks, law firms, luxury hotels and restaurants. The images of elitism, austerity and justified conservatism that dark blue carries are used as a “show of strength.” The most famous examples are GAP, Nivea, Maserati.

Ruthenium Asset Management – we ordered a corporate identity, the core of which was to be the high status of the company, their special attitude to the product and the customer. As a result – strict fonts and straight lines, the media are decorated in a combination of steel gray and noble blue.


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“I take what I do as seriously as possible” – this is the main message of this shade.

Under the dark blue flag, you can sell elite alcohol or caviar, provide legal services, and tailor classic suits.

Royal blue – does not shout, does not beckon and does not sell. But if you want to look and be a serious, responsible partner who deserves special customer treatment – this is a big step towards creating that image.


Using the blue color, you will tell the main thing about yourself, it remains to choose the method that suits the most. Before you a lot of opportunities to create a memorable and recognizable corporate identity.

Source: spark.ru