5 graphic design trends for the next 20 years


5 graphic design trends for the next 20 years

What will graphic design be like in the future? In our opinion, the constant use of applications and web materials in everyday life will lead to rapid simplification and standardization of design both on and off the web. Here are the trends in graphic design we have prepared for you:

To a certain extent, standardization and simplification is good because design is, first of all, a solution to a problem. On the one hand, the quality of our work directly depends on the number of obstacles (be they informative, visual or any other) that people meet on the way.

But on the other hand, it is unlikely that someone wants to find themselves in the monotonous world of “cookies”, where any design element looks monotonous and boring. Therefore, any creative work is about coping with such pressures and thoughtfully approaching the task at hand, using your imagination, and finding innovative ways to apply design ideas to solve problems in a way that looks both functional and inspiring.

Of course, this is not an easy task, but it is a challenge that ultimately allows the design work to be done. And in order to understand where we will eventually come, we collected the views of five leading developers in the industry.

01. Widespread 2D

According to Nils Klotwho is the creative director of the company “Territory”, the world will return to 2D. He noted that despite the increased focus on 3D, there has been a shift in this trend over the past decade.


02. Convergence of digital and physical technologies

Tino Shedler, who is the chief designer in Optimist Inc… In Los Angeles, he puts forward the following point of view: “We are seeing significant movement towards the gradual integration of physical and digital technologies in retail, branding, and exhibitions. But as an industry, we’ve only gotten to the tip of the iceberg when we talk about these ‘overlapping’ concepts. “

03. Ownership of color

According to Luke Woodhouse, creative director of the company “Ragged Edge”, the trend of brands to choose one color is returning. “With MailChimp opting for yellow and Coca-Cola bringing back its legendary red cans, perhaps we will see more brands return to their foundations. We will be witnessing how companies choose color as a tool for brand recognition in our world. “

04. Customer focus

Laura Walters, the designer of The Tin, said: “Recently, animation has been gaining popularity on the Internet as a way to improve interaction with website visitors as well as application users.”
“The transformation of brand identity into movement will be a new stage in development. Brands that present themselves as “consumer-oriented” may not choose the most appropriate way to animate elements; slight inconsistencies may occur. “

05. Increased brand simplicity and transparency

Point of view Jared Tomlinson from the company “Standard Black” is the following assumption: “Plain copying, movement with the least amount of visual transformations, and simple fonts and images will be the main direction in the future.”


“Transparency and simplicity is the main trend: brands that show you who they are, but do not tell you who to be; return to retouching; special attention to user-generated content; as well as using the built-in voice. All these traits will be found in various forms of communication such as video, photography, communication, and right up to graphic design. “

Source: mindrepublic

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