10 design books to find inspiration and ideas for projects

10 design books to find inspiration and ideas for projects


10 design books to find inspiration and ideas for projects

Repick has published a selection of 10 design books for inspiration. The list includes books about the life of famous designers and works from contemporary artists.

1. “Logo”, Michael Ewami

Michael Ewami is the author of such books as Logo Design and World Without Words. “Logo” talks about typographic logos, their creation and types. The author reviewed and analyzed more than 1,300 company symbols from around the world, which were created by about 250 design agencies.

10 design books to find inspiration and ideas for projects

2. “More and Less,” Klaus Camp

A book that explores the design philosophy of renowned industry expert Dieter Rams.

Rams worked as a leading industrial designer for the German firm Braun from 1962 to 1995. His style is considered “clean and simple.” For the book, Camp spoke with industry experts who evaluated Rams’ work in terms of influencing contemporary design and applying his principles today.


3. “Square, Circle, Triangle” by Bruno Munari

Bruno Munari is an Italian designer, artist, art book author and educator. In his book Square, Circle, Triangle, he explains what the three shapes – square, circle and triangle – represent and how to use them wisely in design.


4. “Typorama: The Graphic Work of Philippe Apeloig,” Alice Morgain and Ellen Lupton

Philippe Eploig is a renowned French graphic designer and typographer. The authors of the book not only review his finished work, but also describe the process of their design and the factors that influence the style of a specialist.


5. “Naoto Fukasawa”, Bill Mogridge

Naoto Fukasawa, the authors of the material write, is one of the most famous Japanese designers of our time. In 2009, he was included in the list of the eight most original and sought-after designers of the year. Mogridge’s book examines his work and describes the main points of his biography.


6. “The Graphic Design Idea Book: Inspiration from 50 Masters” by Stephen Geller and Gail Anderson

The book was written by New York Times columnist Stephen Geller and graphic designer Gail Anderson. They look at the foundations and key elements of design – through the work of renowned industry professionals.


7. “Bauhaus: Weimar, Dessau, Berlin, Chicago”, Hans Wingler

The Bauhaus is a higher school of construction and artistic design that existed in Germany from 1919 to 1933. The book contains materials from the educational institution – documents, images, private letters, speeches, architectural plans, typographic sketches, and more. There are also several government documents, as well as a description of the controversy around the Nazi movement.


8. Fundamentals of Photography by Tom Eng

“The most complete, accessible and up-to-date photography guide for professionals and amateurs,” writes the author of a note about the book. In the piece, Eng explains in detail the techniques that will help you get good photos regardless of the type of camera.

9. “First We Feel Then We Fall” by Gai Yanai

Guy Yanai is a contemporary Israeli artist. In the book, he describes his work and what inspires him, and also examines various aspects of design and art – photography, painting, and so on.


10. “Keep It Simple: The Early Design Years of Apple,” Hartmut Esslinger

“Whether you are a fan of Apple products or not, you cannot deny the impact the company has had on design. The book examines the evolution of the corporation’s devices and reveals the history of the brand from the inside, ”writes the author of the material.


Source: vc.ru