Web design trends in 2015


Web design trends in 2015

Our life flows and changes year after year. Something becomes fashionable, but something is forgotten and leaves our life forever. In the same way, 2015 brought us several new trends, confirmed the importance of existing ones and got rid of all unnecessary and useless in web design. Let’s take a closer look at everything that awaits us this year in the field of website and app design.

What have we saved?

Adaptive layout

Websites are still coding for all possible screen resolutions. In 2014, the share of mobile browsers of the two main platforms (Android and iOS) in the Russian Internet sector was about 35%. If we add the rest of the mobile devices to this, taking into account the increased spread of mobile technologies in the West, we can assume that about half of all website users come from mobile devices. This means that adaptive layout will only gain its popularity from year to year. For example, Apple added responsiveness to its website only this year, 7 years after the launch of its first iPhone. For example, Talk PR.

Life photos

Staged studio photography is receding more and more. Nowadays, preference is increasingly given to simple life photographs that reflect the real emotions of ordinary people.

Video background

Thanks to HTML5 and JavaScript technologies, now almost everyone can easily connect a video on their website as a background. And he does the right thing – the video background is a very effective and attention-grabbing feature. The main thing is not to overdo it with the file size, turn off the sound and offer a replacement for mobile devices that do not support video playback in this format, for example, Focal Point Homes

One page sites

Most users are now much more comfortable just spinning the mouse wheel without stopping than looking for individual pieces of information on the site tabs. By placing all the information on one page, you can easily filter out all unnecessary and focus the user’s attention on what is really important. For example, Mijlo

Huge fonts

Using fonts of different sizes has a better effect on the user’s perception of information. By correctly placing accents, you can tell the visitor what to look for first. Leafing through the magazine, we first look at the big headlines, and only then read on if we are interested. For example, Squares Conference

What innovations should we expect?

Seamless application sites

Users love the mobile app experience. All actions are carried out smoothly and consistently – you always know what will happen next. With a high probability in 2015 we will see a lot of websites that are full-fledged applications and systems that have no seams. Such sites create the feeling that all elements are interconnected with each other and smoothly flow from one state to another.

Story sites

Thanks to the effect described above, every day more and more sites appear that describe a whole story in a single style. Such sites offer very original ways of presenting content and user interaction with it.

Clean & Material Design

In 2014, Google brought a new concept to the website and mobile app industry, Material design, to complement Apple’s concept of minimalism and simplification. Now, simple simplification is not enough – each element must be thought out to the smallest detail, perform strictly defined functions and influence the entire environment. The main goal is to combine simplicity of appearance with logic of behavior that is understandable to any user.

Navigation like in apps

Nowadays, more and more often, the main navigation is placed in a separate block hidden outside the main screen. All that indicates a menu is a small hamburger button. Such a concept has the right to develop and exist, but remember – many users are not yet familiar with mobile applications, so the three stripes in the corner are a completely unfamiliar object for them.

What are we saying goodbye to?

With everything unnecessary

It would seem much easier? However, this is not so – on almost any site you can find and cut off unnecessary elements. It’s enough just to ask yourself the question – what does this thing give my site? If “it’s just beautiful,” then you can say goodbye to it. Well, unless it’s so pretty that it ruins the entire site if deleted.


The general trend in 2015 remained unchanged. Most websites are simplified by cutting out the clutter and making the interface lighter. As a result, this allows not only focusing the user’s attention on the most important, but also increasing the performance of the entire site as a whole.

Most likely, dozens of other trends and innovations can be added here. We have identified the main ones, in our opinion, which will set the main vector for the development of Internet resources in 2015.

Source: Valery Alexeev & Co