TOP 5 books for the development of creative thinking
TOP 5 books for the development of creative thinking
5 books for the development of creative thinking that work no worse than psychotherapy – they will distract from anxiety, return a productive mood, and give clear recommendations for finding new solutions.
“The Genius Within” by Mark Levy
Transitioning an internal censor to silent mode can be tricky. But this is vital when a non-trivial solution is required for a complex problem. Mark Levy offers his own technique – freewriting. The bottom line is: start writing as fast as you can about a subject that really excites you, while ignoring the rules of spelling and punctuation. Such an unburdened text can give your thoughts unprecedented honesty and clarity.
Design Thinking by Oliver Kempkens
A real find for a spy, more precisely, for a clerk who is tired of doing pointless work. Kempkens and his colleagues advocate a method of design thinking, the main principle of which is empathy. Absolutely all business processes should begin with an answer to the question “Who will benefit from our new solution and how?” In addition to theory, you will find many practical tools from 150 real-life cases that can be tested in Zoom right at the next meeting.
Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
More often than not, the boat of creativity crashes on fear. Writer Elizabeth Gilbert, author of the bestselling books Eat, Pray, Love and City of Women, knows this firsthand. Do not be surprised, absolutely everyone is insecure in their abilities. And courage will help to cope with the creative crisis. You should not wait for inspiration, it is better to leave perfectionism overboard, and create without looking back at others. Gilbert will be persistent in his quest to convince you that the creative life is a common thing. You just have to believe it, and there will be magic.
Think in Other Formats by Luc de Brabander and Alan Iny
The authors of this book are often visited by smart people from Google and IBM and asked to suggest a non-standard way to solve a complex business problem. Those in response share working schemes for translating existing trivial thoughts into original ones. Brabander and Ini are sure that, in general, it makes no difference whether you are going to come up with a new iPhone or build a beautiful building. All you need is to find the optimal solution, which very often lies on the surface. Rough reflections prevent him from noticing. A surefire way to neutralize them is to be willing to doubt, investigate, and take calculated risks.
Steal Like an Artist by Austin Cleon
Young writer and artist Austin Cleon is sure that the monopoly on the right to create beautiful things does not belong to geniuses, for this it is enough to be yourself. So we breathe out, read good advice, do exercises – and voila – ingenious thoughts just creep into my head. The main secret is not to believe too much in the uniqueness of your idea. In this world, everything has already been invented by someone before us, it is much more important to use someone else’s experience correctly and competently add your vision to it. A beautiful inspirational book to help.
Source: TheCity