The 5 Types of Marketing Collaterals Your Business Needs

Any marketing expert must have gotten familiar with marketing collaterals at some point in their career. The sooner – the better. Before we discuss the best 5 collateral marketing tools, let’s get clear on what marketing collateral as a term refers to. Any piece of branded asset that has the aim of promoting a product, service, or brand is considered marketing collateral.

In other words, marketing collaterals include anything that is in any relation to interacting with the audience, starting from the logo to other details. It’s needless to talk about how important marketing collaterals are, but we must note that it helps scale your business to any market in any medium, and most importantly, to any audience at any phase of the funnel.

1. Logo

A logo is one of the most essential types of collateral marketing that fits any business. Many view it as the foundational element of the branding process. Having in mind that the logo is used on many other collaterals, it is crucially important to set things right in the beginning.

The logo by its nature then should represent the brand’s missions, goals, and personality, and of course include the company name on itself. Keep in mind that a logo does not necessarily have to be a part of digital promotion. Your logo also appears on printed promotional materials.

2. Website

Dynamic competition nowadays requires businesses to step into the online world, regardless of the product or service they are offering. Websites are the type of collateral marketing tools that “work” 24/7 and provide access to products for clients remotely. Please note that from a marketing collateral viewpoint, any basic website will give out the proper information about the business.

However, the strategy experts stress how important it is to have a website optimized to search engines, conversion rank, etc. Websites are undoubtedly the best way to navigate clients and show them the easiest way to get to you, seven days a week for 24 hours.

3. E-mail Signature

If you write to your clients on behalf of your brand or business, it is natural that you aspire to stay as professional as possible. However, a little detail that changes the game of email contacting is the email signature. Simple yet extremely important.

A branded email signature that reveals business details, work hours, and other information helps you communicate with clients efficiently, capitalizing on the advantage of your brand interacting with the audience. It gives out the impression of high professionalism on your side which pours trust into your customers.

4. Explainers

Sometimes visitors need short explanations regarding the product or service you offer. In that case, they frequently seek additional explanation material but are not as happy to read a bunch. Rather, marketers use animations, screenshots, and videos to improve the user experience and save the time of clients. Videos are great to highlight some benefits that come with the deals you offer or other marketing purposes.

5. Branded Community

If we talk about marketing collaterals that are time-consuming and labor-intensive then it must be about branded community. It belongs to the group of assets within advanced marketing strategies that become more and more popular nowadays. Statistics show that about 3 quarters of organizations are inclined to the idea of community-driven marketing helping them reach their business goals.


By now we not only understand the meaning of marketing collaterals but have been introduced to the best types of them used today. Successful businesses, regardless of the service or product they offer, utilize some of the above-discussed marketing collaterals to boost sales and increase visibility on the market.