How to invent new things: 5 tasks to develop creativity

Design How to invent new things: 5 tasks to develop creativity Creativity is the skill of thinking outside the box. Based on this skill, we create slogans for advertising campaigns, come up with new names for products, design a trademark and logo, in short, we participate in creating additional value ...

Brief instructions for designers on transferring tasks to development

Design Brief instructions for designers on transferring tasks to development You are a designer. You drew a layout and want to bring it to life. The instruction will help you get a good result. 1. Realize your helplessness. You yourself will not implement the layout. Even if you know how ...

Keri Smith Creative Disorder. Notepad with non-standard tasks “

Book Keri Smith Creative Disorder. Notepad with non-standard tasks “ A creative notebook is needed not only for people of art. This is an easy way to relax, change the way you look at things, it is a great therapy, an opportunity to get out of a creative crisis and ...