How a designer can feel more confident among other designers

When studying something, in particular design, I don’t really like to focus on terminology, titles, names, titles, and so on. For example, I read a useful fact about color interaction, but did not even pay attention to the author. What does it matter to me what the name of this ...

People burn out if they don’t feel important. What to do about it?

Design People burn out if they don’t feel important. What to do about it? Kesha Skirnevsky, co-owner of Zebrainy (“Skazbook”), talks about motivation in terms of the structure of the brain. I ran a marketing department at a factory, founded a trailer studio, and now run Zebrainy, a company that ...

Where to grow as a web designer. And how to feel the moment “it’s time”

Design Where to grow as a web designer. And how to feel the moment “it’s time” Everyone comes to and leaves web design in different ways. To leave, in this case, means to evolve. The exit point directly depends on the type of activity: freelance, full-time studio employment, or work ...