Rose Roberts “The Big Creative Challenge”

Rose Roberts “The Big Creative Challenge”


Rose Roberts “The Big Creative Challenge”

Speaking in Russian, “challenge” is a challenge or test. Take the risk of changing your familiar reality and take part in a little creative challenge. Are you mentally ready? Then go ahead!

“Big creative challenge” – a book for those who are ready to plunge into the exciting world of drawing.

Honest book

This large beautiful book with high-quality illustrations does not promise you miracles and “a masterpiece in three hours”, but honestly tells about the world of drawing for beginners. Drawing in the era of gadgets is an opportunity for calm contemplation, and drawing is the tangible fruit of your labor. It is labor. In drawing, as in any activity, there is a rule: the more you practice, the better your results.

Rose Roberts “The Big Creative Challenge”

We teach materiel!

The book observes the most important rule of classical education: first theory, and then practice. Thanks to this logic, an indistinct, but inspirational mess is not created in the head of the reader, but the concept of the world of drawing is gradually built up in principle.

Rosa Roberts first of all tries to give the reader a very detailed idea of ​​the materials, accessories and the subject of the image. This approach will allow a beginner to figure out what’s what in this boundless world, and decide what and what he would like to draw. There is a short exercise at the end of each chapter on a particular material.

However, these exercises have no practical application if you do not have the opportunity to perform them in the studio, where a lot of materials are provided for free trial. Otherwise, you can spend half of your salary on just preparing for the challenge. Although at the beginning of the book the author urges to be content with the smallest and most necessary, so we can assume that these exercises are theoretical and recommendatory in nature.


A separate chapter is devoted to color. Unfortunately, this basic question is covered in a rather chaotic way, and it is not clear to the beginner why the complementary color for blue is orange, and for yellow it is purple. The illustrations for this chapter are, alas, illogical, although very colorful.

Even in the theoretical part, the author will talk about lines, tone, style and technique. And at this moment, a theoretically savvy reader is ready to move on to practice and the second section – to lessons.


From theory to practice

The most important advantage of the lessons is that the drawings in them are real. Looking at them, the reader understands that these are drawings of a mere mortal, and not an artist with an academic education and thirty years of experience. They are not perfect, but attractive, they are alive. Hands do not drop, but itch, and the thought is ripening in my head that everything is possible.

The analysis of chiaroscuro is so clear that it is useless to resist understanding this topic. After the first lesson, it becomes clear how to make an ordinary circle a voluminous orange, and this is just the beginning!
Many (not only beginners) artists are afraid to draw a person’s face and figure. In the book, a lot of space is given to the image of a person. And one simple truth was conveyed: even an imperfect drawing of a person is beautiful, because it carries our feelings.

In general, the book will appeal to those who have been planning for a long time, but have put off everything. The author does not make a fun, meaningless game out of drawing. Everything is serious here: a lot of theory and a lot of practice. The lessons are constructive. And their presence makes it possible to direct their activities on a given course, and not to wander around the house in painful thoughts “what would I draw.”

And, of course, the book is geared towards beginners, which is what the idea of ​​the challenge suggests.

The book is worthy of your attention because it contains:
● good theoretical basis;
● an overview of most of the existing art materials and the features of working with them;
● interesting lessons: seascape, still life with an elephant, family portrait and many others;
● image of a person in motion;
● drawing on a grid;
● nuances worth paying attention to in the drawing process;
● 250 pages with useful text and beautiful pictures.

Buy the book “Big Creative Challenge”

The book “The Big Creative Challenge” is available for purchase in paper form in the online store for 1260 rubles or in electronic form for 230 rubles.

Author: Evgeniya Suvorova