Felix Scheinberger “Watercolor sketching”

Felix Scheinberger “Watercolor sketching”


Felix Scheinberger “Watercolor sketching”

“Watercolor Sketching” is a book about color and art in our daily life. Felix Scheinberger, an internationally renowned illustrator, will teach you how to tell your own stories in color.

This book will help make even technically imperfect drawings alive and fresh. Draw your impressions, and with the help of simple techniques, you can breathe real life into them.

Who is this book for?

The book is suitable for both novice sketchers and experienced artists, because a real professional always has something to learn.

Felix Scheinberger “Watercolor sketching”

about the author

Felix Scheinberger is one of the most unusual and distinctive European illustrators. The artist’s work experience is very diverse: his work has been published in newspapers and magazines, he has collaborated with theaters and illustrated children’s books (about 50 publications over the last decade!).

In addition, Scheinberger is a sought-after teacher: he taught the art of drawing at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, in Mainz and in Wiesbaden. From 2008-2010 he was a Visiting Teacher of Fine Arts at the Bezatel Academy of Arts in Jerusalem. Since 2010, he has been teaching the art of drawing and illustration at the Department of Design at the Westphalian University. Wilhelm in Münster. In January of this year, the artist came to Moscow, where he held a two-day workshop for everyone.

Felix Scheinbereger combines the most important qualities of a successful artist – a professional approach and a great love for everything he does.

The author’s manner of drawing is really peculiar: it seems that he does not care what they say about his drawings. He draws the way he feels, the way he likes, he doesn’t chase after realism, perfect line and “tasty” picture. That is why his illustrations are so lively and rich.


What is this book about?

Felix Scheinberger had two goals: to teach watercolor painting techniques and to talk about color. A distinctive feature of this book is that the author does not speak about color casually and not among other things, but devotes a significant part of the book to this topic. And that’s great, because to understand watercolor painting, you need to understand color. The reader will learn about the history of the creation of watercolors and ink, about the perception of colors, about the famous Itten circle and complementary colors (as well as how to use it correctly!), About warmth and color harmonies.

The artist does not just talk about the technique of watercolor painting, he offers specific tasks and gives examples from his illustrations. You can pick up paints and experiment right there.


Fill it with meaning!

Felix Scheinberger is not limited to deeply worked out and accessible theoretical material. He also touches on the topic of creativity in general. “Write pictures because you yourself want to paint them, and not because others are waiting for it,” the author says about the problem of his own style and innovation in creativity. Do not strive to meet someone’s expectations, and then you will find yourself. The popularity of sketching in the world is explained not only by the fact that it is “quick and easy”, but also by a certain emotional component. They have meaning for the author, are filled with emotions, impressions, some special meaning. And this, undoubtedly, catches the viewer. Listen to yourself, do not be afraid to give special meaning to your picture, this will make it alive.

Dialogue with the artist

Throughout the book, the author seems to communicate directly with the reader, he is not hidden behind a ton of theoretical information and boring step-by-step master classes. This is a communication book, the author seems to show us his work, along the way sharing his professional secrets.

I found it particularly noteworthy that the chapter on materials is near the end. Why not as in ordinary books, not at the beginning? Because, by and large, it is not so important with what brushes and on what paper you will paint. The reader knows one thing – a book about watercolor painting, for a start that’s enough. And when he is already immersed in this wonderful world of watercolor, when the dialogue with the author completely captures him, then Scheinberger reveals his cards – talks about the contents of his artistic bag. At the end, he will also share various professional tricks and witty tricks.


And what is at the very end?

In the end, it’s a little sorry to part with such a charming storyteller, but fortunately, the books can be re-read! Finally, the artist answers one of the key questions of artistic creation: when can a painting be considered complete? How to understand that this is the final? And as a bonus, a professional illustrator shares the secret of how to set an adequate price for your creations.

How was the book made?

This wonderful book is a pleasure to hold in your hands: the rough hard cover with small patches of glossy elements looks very stylish and attractive. Inside – nice offset, non-shiny paper. Excellent print quality will allow readers to fully appreciate the author’s ability to work with color, and nice little things – a bookmark, a place for a book’s signature and a couple of pages for notes – complete the image, and you don’t want to let go of the book.



Watercolor Sketching is a book about how to tell stories in color. Stories about myself and about life. It is written with great love and knowledge. The book will be a wonderful gift for all lovers of artistic creativity, and it will definitely be read. This is not just a colorful album with illustrations – this is a conversation with an interesting person on a topic that is fascinating for both of you.

Free download of the book by Felix Scheinberger “Watercolor sketching”

A fragment of the book “Watercolor Sketching” is available for free download at the link.

Buy the book by Felix Scheinberger “Watercolor sketching”

The book “Watercolor sketching” is available for purchase in the Ozon.ru online store in paper and electronic versions at a price of 740 and 400 rubles, respectively.

Author: Evgeniya Suvorova