“Now You See It,” Michael Beirut


“Now You See It,” Michael Beirut

“Now You See It” is a collection of essays from an old school designer. A keen mind, a trained eye, significant professional experience and an amazing style of the author will not leave you indifferent.

Michael Beirut recounts his early career and his most exciting moments, shares his theory and provides food for thought about graphic design.

A thoughtful approach to the forms that ideas take is a very important, according to the author, type of thinking in the modern world.


Who is this book for?

For graphic designers, art directors and students of specialized universities. And not only that: fascinating essays will appeal to everyone who is interested in design and notices it around them.

about the author

Michael Beirut is a graphic designer, critic and educator. His design career is almost 40 years old, his clients included Harley-Davidson and The Walt Disney Company, he taught at the Yale School of Art for many years, and currently works with the famous design bureau Pentagram.

What is this book about?

This is a collection of short essays – reflections on design. It is noteworthy that Michael Beirut writes not only about graphic design, but also about industrial and architectural design. Often, the author’s reasoning takes us to a bygone era, where graphic design was unthinkable without a clerical foot and glue. All the more interesting: the very essence of design is unchanged, its fundamental truths were born long before tablets and MacBooks.

What impressed me most was the variety of topics. The focus, of course, is on graphic design: the creation of logos, the influence of design on the minds of people, the start of a career, the ups and downs of a young designer. But at the same time, Beirut also writes about the talents of speechwriters, the importance of slogans and the depth of meaning.

One of the most impressive stories was the designer’s memories of his participation in the election campaign of Hillary Clinton. Everything in this essay is wonderful: a purely American view of the presidential election, the story of the birth and realization of an idea, a complete failure and a resounding success.

From the book you will learn about:

  • “Curse of knowledge”
  • one of the most useful inventions in the shoe industry
  • secrets of pricing
  • the importance of simple forms
  • first-class factor
  • technical complexities of 20th century design,

and many more interesting things about everyday and exceptional, beautiful and ugly, functional and useless things

Essays are good because everyone in the author’s thoughts will see exactly what is important to him. The writer will pay attention to the style and presentation, the designer will perceive the essay as a description of real cases, and the marketer will get ideas for effective sales.


The main advantage of the book is the real experience of a professional. She is alive, true and captivating. “Now You See It” is interesting to read, even if you are far from the realm of design, but if you have a professional interest, then the stories of Michael Beirut will inspire you or help you find an original solution.

Buy the book “Now You See It” by Michael Beirut

The book “Now You See It” is available for purchase in the Ozon.ru online store at a price of 685 rubles for paper format or 399 rubles for electronic format.

Author: Evgeniya Suvorova

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