88 Photoshop Tips

88 Photoshop Tips


88 Photoshop Tips

The editors at Bright Side have collected the most useful techniques for working with Photoshop that save you a lot of time and effort.

88 Photoshop Tips

  1. Click on Tabto hide the toolbar and palette, the combination Shift + Tab will hide only palettes.
  2. Shift + click along the blue top bar near the toolbar or on the palettes will move them to the side border of the window.
  3. Double-clicking on the upper blue bar in any palette window will minimize it.
  4. Double-clicking on the gray background will open a dialog box for opening a file, and Shift + double click will open the Adobe Bridge browser.
  5. Tired of having a gray background around your image? Take a tool Paint bucket tool (Bucket), pinch Shift + click on a gray background and it will change to whatever color you choose as your foreground color.
  6. To select all layers, click Alt + Ctrl + A
  7. Caps lock will change your cursor to a clearer cross.
  8. Press the key Fand you can choose from three different screen modes to make your work area larger.
  9. To draw a straight line with a brush or pencil, make one click at the origin, then hold down Shift + click at the end point.
  10. Key pressed Ctrl turns any tool into Move Tool (Move) as long as you hold it.
  11. Ctrl + Alt + click will create a copy of the image and move it as you move the mouse.
  12. Pressed Space (Space) will turn any tool into Hand Tool (Hand) as long as you hold it.
  13. Ctrl + Space + click will zoom in on the image, and Alt + Space + click – will reduce.
  14. By clicking Ctrl and “+” or “”, You will change the scale of the image as a percentage.
  15. Using Eyedropper tool (Eyedropper) with pressed Alt allows you to sample the background color.
  16. Tool Measure Tool (Ruler) – draw a line and then pinch Alt and create another line from the end of the first – this is how you define the angle between them.
  17. Use combinations Ctrl + Alt + Z and Ctrl + Shift + Z to undo and redo a series of actions.
  18. Alt + Backspace and Ctrl + Backspace will fill the image with the foreground and background colors, respectively. Shift + Backspace will bring up a dialog box for filling the image. Alt + Shift + Backspace and Ctrl + Shift + Backspace will fill the image with the foreground and background colors, respectively, but leaving the transparent areas transparent.
  19. If you hold down Alt and cause a free transformation with Ctrl + T, then the transformation will be performed on the copy of the object. Ctrl + Shift + T will repeat any recent transformations.
  20. The canvas size can be easily increased using the tool Crop Tool – stretch it outside the canvas and click OK
  21. Ctrl + J will create a copy of the current layer.
  22. Ctrl + Shift + E will merge all visible layers into one, Ctrl + Shift + Alt + E will merge the copy of the visible layers into one new layer.
  23. Using Marquee tool (Selection) pinch Altto make the start point the center of the selection.
  24. Use hotkeys Ctrl + D to relieve selection, and Ctrl + Shift + D to return selection
  25. When you create a selection with tools Marquee tool, pinch Spaceto move the selection and release to continue selection.
  26. Pressing Shift and “+” or “»Will change the blending mode of the layer to Normal, Dissolve, Multiply, Screen, Overlay
  27. If tool is selected Brush or any other, the transparency of the layer can be changed by clicking on the corresponding number on the keyboard: when you click on one number, for example, 4, the transparency will be 40%. For a more precise percentage of transparency, hold down 7, then 2, and the result is 72% transparency.
  28. To hide all other layers except the current one, hold down Alt and click on the eye icon next to the layer thumbnail in the layers palette.
  29. A color sample can be taken not only from an image in Photoshop, but also outside the program. Shrink the Photoshop window so that you can see the image on which you want to define the color, take the tool Eyedropper tool (Eyedropper), click inside Photoshop and, without releasing, bring it out of the window.
  30. Select layer, hold Alt and click on the border between the top and current layer to create Cliping mask – so the upper layer will be visible within the lower one, and the lower one replaces the mask.
  31. Holding Alt, click on the button to create a new layer “Create a new layer” on the Layers palette to bring up a dialog box with settings for the new layer.
  32. Select the layer and hold down Alt, click on the trash can on the layers palette and the layer will be removed without any further questions.
  33. File> Automate> Contact Sheet II – this command will create small previews for each file currently opened in Photoshop in a separate document in a row and sign them.
  34. At the instrument Move Tool in the settings there is an option to auto-select the layer “Auto Select Layer“Depending on the place of the click.
  35. Working with the tool Move Tool, click Alt + Shift + click right-click on various objects in the image located on different layers – this will select all these layers.
  36. Working with mesh Grid, drag the upper left corner where the scales for the Grid are located, and the origin for them will be where you release the mouse button. Double click in the upper corner will reset the reference point to its original position.
  37. By creating a path with a tool Pen Tool, you can hide / show it again using the combination Ctrl + Shift + H
  38. Hotkeys for Channels RGB, CMYK, Indexed color:
    Ctrl + ”~” = RGB
    Ctrl + 1 = red
    Ctrl + 2 = green
    Ctrl + 3 = blue
    Ctrl + 4 = other path
    Ctrl + 9 = other path
    Ctrl + ”~” = CMYK
    Ctrl + 1 = light green
    Ctrl + 2 = pink red
    Ctrl + 3 = yellow
    Ctrl + 4 = black
    Ctrl + 5 = other path
    Ctrl + 9 = other path
    Ctrl + 1 = Indexed
    Ctrl + 2 = other path
    Ctrl + 9 = other path
  39. Holding Ctrl, you can on the palette Navigator stretch the red rectangle to scale the image.
  40. Pinch Alt and click on any step in the story and this step will be copied.
  41. Click on Alt and drag a step from one Action to another and you get a copy of the action.
  42. In the filter Lens flare (Filter> Render> Lens Flare) you can set the exact coordinates by holding Alt and clicking on the preview window.
  43. While holding Shift + Alt the transformation of the object will be made proportionally, that is, from the center.
  44. If you have selected a tool Move Tool and you want to copy something, just hold down Alt and drag the image. Holding Shift + Alt, the object is easy to move along the grid lines.
  45. If you want to align the horizon or uneven edges after scanning, then take the tool Measure Tool (Ruler), draw a line along your curve, then go to Image> Rotate Canvas> Arbitrary – Photoshop will substitute the values ​​of the angle of rotation itself, it remains to press OK, and the image is rotated.
  46. If you create something in Illustrator, copy and paste into Photoshop, he will ask in what form to insert: pixel or in Shape
  47. To display the panel Rules, click Ctrl + R
  48. To keep the image clearly centered, hold down Ctrl + A, Ctrl + X, Ctrl + V
  49. Ctr + E will merge the current layer with the underlying one.
  50. If tool is selected Brush Tool, you can control the brush diameter using the buttons [ и ]
  51. Double click on an instrument Zoom tool will return the scale of the image to 100%, and by the instrument Hand Tool stretches the image to the area of ​​the screen.
  52. When working with text, the combination Ctrl + H will hide the selection of already selected characters.
  53. If you have selected characters, click in the font type selection line and you can use the arrows on the keyboard to select the font type.
  54. Alt + arrow left or right will change the indentation between characters by 10. A Ctrl + Alt + arrow left or right will change the indent between the symbols by 100.
  55. Ctrl + Alt + T will create a copy of the object you want to transform.
  56. Also Ctrl + Alt + arrow right, left, up or down will copy the current layer and move it 1px.
  57. Change the active layer with Alt +[ или ]
  58. Move the active layer up or down with Ctrl +[ или ]
  59. To hide the guides Grid, click Ctrl +
  60. Ctrl +[клавиша плюс] will zoom in on the image, Ctrl +[клавиша минус] – will reduce.
  61. Ctrl + Alt +[клавиша плюс] will increase the scale and size of the window, same for Ctrl + Alt +[клавиша минус]…
  62. Using the tool Polygonal Lasso Tool, click Backspaceto undo the last step.
  63. Click on X, to change foreground and background colors in places.
  64. Click on Dto reset the foreground and background color settings to the default black and white.
  65. To display a palette with settings Brushes, click F5
  66. To display the palette Layers, click F7
  67. Ctrl + click the layer thumbnail on the layers palette will create a selection of the layer’s contents.
  68. If you want to see the contents of the layer mask, then hold down Alt and click on the layer mask.
  69. Alt + click on the layer mask creation icon will create a black mask.
  70. When you use Polygonal Lasso Tool, pinch Shiftto create straight lines at an angle in 45-degree increments.
  71. For better organization, group the selected layers by clicking Ctrl + G
  72. Ctrl + Shift + N will create a new file, with the output of a dialog box, Ctrl + Shift + Alt + N will create a new layer in the working file.
  73. Keys [ и ] reduce and increase the diameter of the brush, and Shift +[ или ] change the hardness of the brush.
  74. Click on Altso that Burning Tool began to perform the function Dodge tool, and vice versa.
  75. Stamp tool clones parts of the image (Alt + click – to define the area for copying). This also works if several images are open in Photoshop, and you can also clone any areas from other images – you just need to position the images within sight of the screen.
  76. Ctrl + click by layer thumbnail creates a selection of an object on this layer. If you need to select more than 1 object on several layers, hold additionally and Shift
  77. To combine palettes in one, drag the tab of any tab to another palette to other tabs, and it will move.
  78. When creating text, clicking on Enter will create a new line. To finish writing, click Ctrl + Enter or Enter on the numeric keypad.
  79. You can move the layer to any other open image in Photoshop – this will create a copy of the layer. Hold down while dragging Shiftand the content of the layer will be inserted exactly in the center.
  80. Create a new document in Photoshop with size 500 × 500px, create a new layer, take the Brush Tool with a standard round brush of any diameter and place a point at the top center (position like at 12 o’clock). Click on Ctrl + Alt + T, this will create a copy of the point and allow it to transform. Drag a point in the center of the object to transform Pivot point and set it clearly in the center of the image, and at the top, enter the rotation angle of 30 degrees and click OK. And now the trick…. Click on Ctrl + Shift + Alt + T 10 times and you will see what happens!
  81. Working with the tool Move Tool, you can select any layer by clicking on a part of the object with pressed Ctrl.
  82. You can add another layer to the layer group by holding down Ctrl + Shift and by clicking on a part of the object located on another layer.
  83. You can delete several layers at once by dragging a group of layers onto the trash can icon on the layers palette.
  84. You can delete the current layer by holding Alt and pressing 3 times L.
  85. After applying the filter, its effect can be softened using the function Fadeby clicking Shift + Ctrl + F
  86. You can copy a layer mask by dragging it while holding down Alt to another layer.
  87. You can easily get a horizontal one from the vertical Grid by choosing the tool Move Toolholding Alt and clicking on the guide itself. And vice versa.
  88. When saving a document with Save for Web information about the document is lost. To save information, use Save as

Source: Adme.ru