2 helpful design lectures


2 helpful design lectures

2 fresh lectures from the M18 studio, whose staff spoke about the problems of developing large web projects, as well as the main approaches to developing iconography at the Design Weekend held in Suzdal.

Problems when developing the design of large web projects

– lack of modularity and uniformity in page design when developing large projects;
– the process of developing the graphic concept of the site is stretched in time, the designer often forgets what he created at the very beginning, if the project lasts more than a month;
– a balance between primitiveness and an excessive variety of graphic design: you get either a monster stuffed with graphics and effects, or a mediocre template.

Iconography. Development of icons for mobile applications

Topics of the presentation:
– the main approaches to the generation of ideas in the considered subject area;
– the development process and techniques for creating realistic icons;
– analysis of cases. Influence of the latest trends, transition to a new semantic level;
– destructive directions in icon design. Development forecasts.


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