10 gorgeous paper portfolios
10 gorgeous paper portfolios
When was the last time you saw someone’s graphic design work on paper? Perhaps some poster designers print their work from time to time. But in the vast majority of cases, all the work of graphic designers can be found exclusively on the Internet.
Fortunately, there are still many designers who recognize the power of printing. And for good reason, because a well-designed pocket portfolio can really help your work stand out and leave a positive impression on the future employer.
We present you with a selection of 10 paper portfolios that you can look up to if you are thinking of creating something like this
1. Charlotte Allen
2. Stephen Jones
3. Dennis Fuentes
4. TeYosh Studio
5. Lisa Dino
6. ALU
7. Nathan Hinz
8. Dyla Rosli
9. Emil Kozole
10. Another day