Educational program. Who is an art director and what does he do?

There is an opinion that becoming an art director is the cherished dream of any designer, especially a beginner. And if you have achieved this goal, then you have reached the top of the career Olympus. But in reality, the art director is not only about design and experience with ...

The agony of an art director: hire a pro or upgrade a newbie

Design The agony of an art director: hire a pro or upgrade a newbie This is a question for which there is no correct answer, but I will try anyway. Together with Igor Koropov at Skillbox we are working on the second one. At the same time, I went from ...

Design Director on Why It’s Easy to Become a Designer

Design Design Director on Why It’s Easy to Become a Designer About choosing a profession I tried to become a lawyer, got a good education, but in my third year of graduate school I realized that I was not a lawyer. The abrupt transition to a creative profession was unexpected ...