How the color of your website affects the psyche of the client

Design How the color of your website affects the psyche of the client The RedHelper team translated an article by UC alumnus Nick Rogas, “Evoking More Conversions Using The Psychology Of Color,” that each color has a different effect on the psyche. Have you ever noticed that fast food outlets ...

“Designer, defend yourself!” or how to present a design to a client

I used to do design presentations like this: I took out my laptop, opened the layout and said, “What do you say?”. Then I only had time to timidly insert my comments, which sounded like excuses. Or even worse, instead of having everything organized through a Google Sheet calendar template, ...

Client and Designer: VS or &?

Design Client and Designer: VS or &? I’m sure everyone knows about these two clans. In one of them, the motto “Again they painted the wrong thing” is alive forever. In the second, they chant “Yes, they themselves do not understand what they want.” And the battles between them for ...

Alexander Solonko “Client versus designer or dream project”

Design Alexander Solonko “Client versus designer or dream project” Alexander Solonko, executive director of “FRONTMEN” and ex-head of the Kiev office of the Art. Lebedev Studio, gave a lecture “Client vs. Designer or Dream Project”. Lecture topics – What does the client think when ordering a design – Difficulties in ...