Social Media Management Strategies for Your Brand in 2022: The 8 Steps to Success

Social Media Management Strategies for Your Brand in 2022: The 8 Steps to Success

Usually, when talking about social media marketing and strategies, there are eight steps most marketers consider to be essential.

This is also the case in 2022. However, the way that you apply those steps has slightly changed from previous years. If you are new, we are going to help you apply those steps to your marketing strategy.

So let’s take a look at eight essential steps of social media management for your brand in 2022:

1. SMART Goals in 2022

For a successful marketing approach to social media, clearly define what your goal is. If you use the SMART approach to define your goal, your final goal will be measurable, and you can see that in the increase of your marketing ROI (Return on Investment).

The goal that you set need to be realistic, and achieving that goal, will be a task that you or your team can expect in a time frame that you set (month, quarter, or year).

2. Defining the Audience for Your Brand

This step is important since different audience uses different social media networks. Social media sites that were once considered to be used only by young people are now used by older generations (like Facebook).

When seeking your target audience, try to define them by their age, gender, interests, profession, etc.

In 2022 you need to use social media analytics to have clear information about your audience. There are a lot of great tools that will help you and provide you with correct information, so you will have real insight into your target audience preferences.

3. Social Media Channels

 Social Media Channels

You defined your goal and your target audience. Now, based on that, select the appropriate social media channels to focus your brand marketing strategy on them.

These are a couple of examples:

  • Marketing experts advise looking ahead in social marketing, meaning it is better to choose a social channel that is new and noticeably increasing in its popularity
  • If you are just starting your social media presence, pick only one social media channel and practice your strategy on it
  • The age of your target audience does matter. If you are targeting people under 40, use Instagram. For younger generations, TikTok is the new hot thing. LinkedIn for business people is a great choice, use Pinterest for enchanting pictures and interesting content, and there is YouTube for video content.

4. Fine-Tune Your Social Media Accounts

All data in your account need to be correct. Your name, address, and all profile field needs to have the correct info, so when people search the net, keywords that you correctly entered will point them to your account.

For a brand social media marketing strategy, make sure that your logo and color palette is the same across all your accounts.

Your brand needs to be recognized by it, and your customers need to associate your account appearance with your brand. High-quality pictures and videos must follow recommended dimensions of the platforms you use.

5. Competition

More social media channels – more competition to consider. So take time to review your competitor’s appearance on the social media you intend to use.

You can learn much about the audience on social media from that research and how customers react to different posts. Don’t copy your competitor’s social media campaign, no matter how successful it is.

Build your own unique approach to social media and use competitors’ success as guidance on how to uniquely approach your customers.

6. Content

Person Making Content

This is the most important part of your social media strategy, how you will write your content. And more importantly, “what” you will write about.

The tone must be positive, be very careful which topic you pick, and it needs to represent your voice and your brand voice. Pandemic years showed us that bad publicity is not acceptable and facts are important. So write content that is fact-checked, use reliable resources, and send positive vibes. Your followers will appreciate this approach, and you will turn your leads into customers.

7. Content Calendar

If this is not the first time you are approaching the creation of a social media strategy, you will remember that before, there were set rules on when and at what hour to post your content.

But in 2022, customer service became a highly valued asset of the social media campaign. Customers expect to engage in your campaign posts, and they will ask questions – hence you need to provide prompt answers.

Comments on your posts need to be addressed, and the best time to post your content is at a time when you or your customer service will be online to respond and engage in your social media marketing campaign.

Dazzle your audience with your customer service, and for sure, they will spread the good word.

8. Tracking and Optimization

Once you finished all these steps, and start promoting your brand on social media, use tracking tools to measure your success. With those data and insights, you will see if your strategy is successful, for how long, and when is the time to start the process of optimizing it.

Using an agile approach for your brand’s Social Media Management Strategies, your campaign will be a successful one.


More and more people are engaged in social media because of the changed working and living style during the pandemic.

The trend is to use one channel to follow the news and entertainment and also buy products on that same social media channel. So right social media management of your brand will increase your sales rate and bring you more profit.