Scott Belsky “Making Ideas”

Scott Belsky “Making Ideas”


Scott Belsky “Making Ideas”

Scott Belsky “Making Ideas” At first I thought for a long time: what category should the book belong to? “The embodiment of ideas” Scott Belsky. On the one hand, we can say that it helps to become a real designer with an endless stream of ideas. On the other hand, the book tells about the organization of creative work, i.e. it’s about time management and the like. But I decided to let this book be a book for designers.

About the author of the book

I am sure that very few people have heard of a man like Scott Belsky before. On the other hand, I’m sure that almost all designers and people of creative professions know the service that Scott created – Behance. Yes, Scott Belsky is the CEO of a website for people of all creative professions, which is now actively developing and opening up more and more new opportunities for users. But this book is not at all about how Scott created and developed this service, this book is about how to become a good creator with good ideas and good work.

“The embodiment of ideas” Is a collection of useful tips for people of all creative professions. I do not know how applicable the advice given by the author to other professions, but for creative individuals they are definitely 100% suitable. From the first chapters, the main message of the entire book becomes clear – “Organize and organize all your work, your ideas, intentions and thoughts. Then you can achieve a truly high productivity of your work ”. This idea is developed and discussed throughout the book.

What is this book about

The book is about the correct organization of the creative process. It covers all aspects of generating new ideas: when ideas are best thought out, how to use them correctly, what to do with unsuitable ideas, how to organize them, when to reuse them, etc. … About project management: both personal and those that teams are involved in from several people, as well as teams, which can include more than 30 people. There is not much difference in quantity. The principle itself is important, which is used in organizing the creative work of each team member.
In addition, while reading this book, you will find a lot of new and useful information for yourself. For example, I learned about a person like Noah Kalina, who photographed himself every day for 12.5 years, after which I edited a video series from all these pictures, which traces all the changes that happened to Noah during these same 12.5 years. (by the way, this project is still not finished and Noah continues to photograph himself every day). You will also learn about many large and well-known design studios that collaborate with global brands and create great projects for them.

How this book is structured

The entire book is divided into 3 chapters: optimizing the creative process, working with people and how to become a good leader. In each of them the author gives various examples based on his personal experience or on the experience of his colleagues “in the shop”, with whom he very often meets and communicates on the organization of their work. There are many famous personalities on the list of his colleagues: Dan Roham, John Maeda and many freelance designers who have worked alone all their lives, but from this they have become no less famous than large design studios. And each of those with whom Scott Belsky spoke, tells his tricks and secrets of his work: when is it better to work, where is it better to work, when to rest, when to travel, etc. … Of course, all this is very personal and cannot be applied by everyone in their practice , but some of this will definitely be useful.

Who is this book for

Scott Belsky has written a collection of really useful tips that people of all creative professions can use or want to become. It doesn’t matter what exactly you create: write texts, draw pictures, posters or do web design. The main thing is that you come up with ideas that need to be used correctly. And more importantly, you always come up with many more ideas than you need at a particular moment. Therefore, these seemingly useless ideas must be carefully processed, put into a separate folder and use this folder at the right time.

The book “Embodying Ideas” is easy to buy on Ozon or in any offline store (cost about 500 rubles).