Ruslan Krasnov “How to create your own studio from scratch?”


Ruslan Krasnov “How to create your own studio from scratch?”

Ruslan Krasnov, the creator of the RED studio, held a master class in which he told how to create your own studio: what obstacles can stand in the way of success for an aspiring entrepreneur, how studio work is organized, and who should really think about their business.

This post will be useful for freelancers. I myself often order freelance work and began to notice a good tendency that freelancers began to open their own individual entrepreneurship or even LLC. The reason is that it allows freelancers to sell their work for more, and I pay more for it. Why is this happening? And how can a creative person figure out all this accounting without dying of boredom?

Ruslan Krasnov, head of the RED studio

The master class will cover the following topics:

  • Why do you need your own studio?
  • How do you define your role in the studio?
  • Classic beginner mistakes.
  • Where to look for the first clients?
  • How to combine business and creativity?
  • An easy way to beat the competition.
  • How to organize work with clients?
  • How to assemble the perfect team?
  • The main secret of a creative business.