Nick Veasey “X-ray Gun”

Nick Veasey “X-ray Gun”


Nick Veasey “X-ray Gun”

British photographer Nick Veasey uses dangerous X-rays to create masterpieces.

Nick Veasey “X-ray Gun”

What was the most difficult thing to photograph? Maybe an octopus or a bat?

It’s difficult to photograph big things. Such as a bus, a small car or an airplane. The detailed work takes months, and the cost of the process exceeds thousands of pounds. This is probably one of the reasons why no one else is doing this. If we talk about a photograph of a car, then during the work on it there were often difficulties. It was especially difficult to remove the side view of the car and the engine due to the mass of metal. However, I persisted, experimented and eventually got the desired result. Thanks to Hines’ old manuals, which saved me when it came to taking it apart.





What’s the biggest subject you’ve photographed?

Boeing 777 aircraft. I received it by delivery in parts. It took me a year of work to create the complete picture. It is really difficult to work with such large objects.

Have you helped anyone with X-rays? Has anyone asked for your help when something is dropped, lost or broken?

We often receive requests for X-rays. But people sincerely do not understand their real price, and this is far from the cheapest pleasure. In addition, it is hazardous to health, which is why we never take pictures of people or animals. All animal pictures are donations from veterinary clinics when one of their patients passed away.





Let’s rewind. At the age of 20, I was fired from my graphic design job. Then I decided to become a photographer. I really liked photography. In my youth, several of my photographs were even published in popular magazines and used as the cover of articles. Alas, this was not enough to make a living.

I began to circle London showing potential clients my extremely strange and experimental portfolio. It felt like going nowhere. It was at that moment that I got my chance. My girlfriend (now my wife) worked for the TV station that produced the daring morning show Big Breakfast.


Coca-Cola then launched an advertising campaign: at the bottom of one of the small cans contained a secret letter. The company provided a truckload of soda, but the TV station said the prize could be among thousands of other cans.


My girlfriend, when she came home from work, said that the boss was going to x-ray the cans to demonstrate how you can deceive a brand by calculating a can with a win. She asked me where and how such a picture could be taken, and that was how my journey into the world of X-rays began. Since I was in despair because of the lack of work and money, I immediately said that I was taking on this business. I had no idea how exactly.


Source: awdee