Helvetica / Objectified / Urbanized

Helvetica / Objectified / Urbanized


Helvetica / Objectified / Urbanized

Gary Hustwit – an exemplary independent American director of modern times, nominee for the Spirit Awards, the second most important American film award after the Oscars, who gained fame not only as the author of the Design Trilogy, but as a pioneer and champion of crowdfunding.

Helvetica / Objectified / Urbanized


Helvetica, the first of three Design Trilogy films, focuses on graphic design and its impact on visual culture through the lens of a particular typeface. How the font is used in the urban space and what it brings to it on the aesthetic and cultural level, what guides graphic designers when choosing one or another font – such famous figures as Eric Spiekermann, Matthew Carter and Massimo Vigneli argue about this on the example of their own works, – and 20 more designers from all over the world. The film premiered at the SXSW in Texas and has since been shown in over 300 cities and 40 countries.


The second film of the trilogy, Objectified, explores the process of creating objects that we use every day, from a simple toothbrush to an intricate technical gadget. What can be understood about us by looking at the objects with which we surround ourselves? This is a film about industrial designers who each time look at the world of objects around us in a new way, and each time create it anew.


The last film of the trilogy Urbanized – about urban planning and the future of cities – came out in 2011 and turned out to be very timely, as if hitting the nerve of the information field, in which urban studies became one of the most relevant and discussed topics. Renowned architects Ram Koolhaas, Norman Foster, Oscar Niemeyer, Alejandro Aravena, city planners, politicians, builders and philosophers from all over the world are looking together for the answer to the question of who is responsible for creating cities today and come to the conclusion that, unlike other areas of design , the city is not created by anyone alone, it is not the creation of one specialist, each of its inhabitants can influence the urban environment and change it for the better.