Google logo concepts
Google logo concepts
As everyone already knows, Google recently updated its logo, which has remained virtually unchanged over the 17 years of the company’s life.
The new logo is made using a sans serif font, which gives it a more modern and lively look.
But for a long time, many designers have repeatedly offered their ideas for redesigning the company logo – we have collected them today.
Here’s a selection of 22 Google logo concepts by various designers.
1. Jenna Law Concept
2. Concept 2
3. Bartek Ujma concept
4. Concept 4
5. Josh Stroud concept
6. Nick Napodano concept
7. Stefano Perrone concept
8. Nassri Harroum concept
9. Concept 9
10. Jociano Brait Concept
11. Concept 11
12. Tom Broadhurst concept
13. Laura Lé Vandenbergh concept
14. Noah Challenger Concept
15. Riccardo Vicentelli concept
16. Concept 16
17. Brendan Jones concept
18. Alexandre Nami concept
19. Concept Blake (David) Fitzgerald
20. Philipp Bloch Concept
21. Concept 21
22. Concept Sergey Kovalev