Roux – Ghost theme


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About the Product

a Mobile first responsive, simple to peruse topic that has been worked from the beginning for Ghost.

Responsive Starting from little screen up, content looks flawless at ANY goal.

Content First an insignificant plan putting your substance first and keeping the peruser occupied with an interruption free interface.

Genuinely Responsive Images Most responsive destinations resize the pictures down however wind up downloading a similar 1900x 1000px (model size) picture and simply make it fit to the screen for all gadgets, Roux utilizes mobify.js which will recognize the screen measure and download the right size picture for the screen size in outcome will be saving information and expanding page load execution.

Responsive Video Videos from vimeo and youtube keep their angle proportion when resized.

Page Transitions Beautiful changes between pages for added impact, it’s in the little subtleties.

Full screen pictures Both subject pictures and post pictures are handily seen in full screen. clients need to see the subtleties, offer it to them.

Perusing Time a Simple perusing time counter for the sprinters.

Different highlights include: Comments by means of Disqus Hi Res symbols Loading bar Chameleon – changes connect tones to the outer connection for instance facebook connections will be the FB blue and so forth

CHANGELOG: 03/12/13 – Links not dealing with article page – BUG FIX 05/12/13 – Responsive recordings and remarks through disqus – ADDED FEATURES 20/07/14 – Featured posts, added page layout and some exhibition improvements – ADDED FEATURES

Item Information

Last Update: 19.04.2021
Released: 19.04.2021
Version: Product Specs Created: Nov 26, 2013 File Type: SVG, CSS, JS, PNG
File Size: 53.62 KB