Marcel Tumblr Theme


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About the Product

Make an extraordinary style easily. Marcel is a profoundly adjustable Tumblr subject ideal for craftsmen, fashioners and photographic artists. Open permalink pages directly on your landing page.

Retina prepared. Every single post sort. Restriction support. Google examination. Free updates.

Title arrangement Position the title to upper left or focus, base left, focus, or right.

Utilize your own logo Replace the title with your own logo or symbol (Retina support).

Add your own connections Just add your connections to initiate the route boards.

Route position Links can be added to upper left and focus, center left and right (vertically), base left, focus, and right.

Route divider You can add a divider between every route interface. Browse various characters, for example, · —/× ▴ .

Depiction Show the portrayal on the landing page directly close to the principal post.

Text dimension The title, route, portrayal and post text dimension can be set to a few sizes separately.

Connections The content and drift tone can be set to your preferred shade.

Text arrangement The arrangement can be set to left or focus separately on the landing page and the permalinks.

Post meta Enable media subtitle and labels on the landing page with a single tick.

Permalink post meta Enable media inscription, date, labels, source, or notes on permalinks.

Post activities Make it simple for individuals to like, reblog and pin your substance.

Post float style Choose between various styles for a decent impact.

Pin button Help individuals share your pictures on Pinterest and increment traffic to your tumblr.

Photoset tally Display the quantity of photographs in a photoset on the landing page.

Design size It is feasible to set the presents on various sizes to coordinate with your style.

Design separating The canal between the presents can be determined to a few sizes.

Design arrangement Change the post arrangement to left, focus or right and top, center or base.

Design styles Choose between various format styles to make the special look you need.

Single segment It is feasible to set the design on the landing page to a solitary section.

Page line Add a line around the page. The size can be set to little, medium or huge.

Page foundation Pick your number one tone or transfer your own picture.

Shadings Custom tones can be set for the content, joins, route, post activities, labels, post float, page boundary and foundation.

Google text styles Change the text style with our cautiously curated set of text styles from Google’s text style library.

Custom text styles Add your ID from Typekit or without inserting code.

Custom CSS Code can be applied through Tumblr’s inherent custom CSS proofreader to change the topic considerably more.

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Step by step instructions to introduce your topic: your-tumblr-topic

Item Information

Last Update: 31.03.2021
Released: 31.03.2021
Version: Product Specs Created: Sep 02, 2016
File Size: 9.72 KB