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About the Product

Meet Løge. The ideal WooCommerce subject for retailers. Regardless of whether you’re selling high-road design, magnificence items, or home extras, Løge will simply stand apart of the manner in which allowing your items to sparkle.

Tight WooCommerce Integration

Løge accompanies support for the most mainstream internet business WordPress module, WooCommerce. Likewise with each topic in our list, you have the assurance of continually having the option to utilize the most recent WooCommerce adaptation.

Custom Elementor Modules

Løge offers full similarity with the Elementor page developer and what’s more accompanies its own underlying Elementor modules for greatest adaptability in content format.

Adjustable Storefront

Construct a definitive window-shopping experience straightforwardly in your program. Pick various styles and settings for your item formats, section numbers and even sidebars or cabinet shows for your item channels.

Negligible Product Page

We’ve ensured your stunning store will be joined by an astonishingly insignificant item page continually keeping your items at the bleeding edge.

Refined Mobile Experience

Løge is completely responsive and acts totally under any screen size. Furnish your clients with a reliable shopping experience in any case the gadget they’re on!

Search engine oriented

Our WordPress subjects will help you rank higher in web search tools like Google, Bing or Yahoo!Løge

Item Information

Last Update: 27.03.2021
Released: 26.03.2021
Version: Product Specs Created: Dec 20, 2017 File Type: PHP, JS, CSS, TTF, EOT, SVG, WOFF, PNG,
File Size: 1.84 MB