Journal – Ghost Theme Membership


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About the Product

Diary is a Ghost topic for single/multi creators which upholds free distributing by highlighting paid participation work. Diary intends to be your best option with regards to choosing your advanced distribution. With a clean, yet solid character, Journal can be utilized for any sort of distribution.

Diary Ghost Theme is loaded with every one of the highlights a distributer may require.

Computerized memberships plans (paid participations)

Paid individuals just posts lock

Individuals just free posts bolted

Free participations

Post, tag, social Cards (YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Soundcloud and so forth)

Creator Page

Label Page

Sign in/join

Lightbox exhibitions

Post full width, enormous width

Social sharing

Disqus remarks

Crystal Syntax and some more…

Item Information

Last Update: 01.04.2021
Released: 01.04.2021
Version: Product Specs Created: Oct 21, 2020 File Type: JS, CSS, SVG, JPG
File Size: 335.98 KB