Healthy Living-Fresh Blogging Theme


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About the Product

Sound Living is new, straightforward and balanced writing for a blog WP topic. With it’s laid back present day plan and delightful typography this topic gives your substance merited spotlight and draws the perusers directly in. It is completely responsive and incorporates distinctive page layouts, post configurations and custom header picture to extend the tweaking alternatives.

It is a simple to utilize subject with responsive design that looks extraordinary on any gadget, huge or little. It is viable with Major Browsers, Smartphones and Tablet’s.

WPML Compatibility

WPML makes it simple to construct multilingual destinations and run them. It’s amazing enough for corporate locales, yet straightforward for sites.

Jetpack Theme highlights “Jetpack” module for WordPress that supercharge your site with the highlights so far just accessible for Uncommon Jetpack include we utilized is “Jetpack Widget Visibility” that permits you to have diverse sidebar content on various pages utilizing a similar sidebar. This gives you a lot of artistic liberty!

WooCommerce It includes the “WooCommerce” module that is styled to outwardly fit the topic as demonstrated in the live see.

Discourse Slider Included with the topic is a full form of the stunning Soliloquy Slider. This slider can be utilized inside pages, posts and gadgets and has a wide range of choices to browse!

Change tones from Customizer utilizing Color Picker Inside the Customizer you’ll have the option to change shade of the green shading components just as the foundation tone. On the off chance that you need more shading customization you can utilize Jetpack Edit Css or a youngster subject.

In the event that you might want to change topic textual styles there is an extraordinary FREE module we suggest : Easy Google Fonts . This module permits you to change Fonts from inside the customizer.

Post Formats This subject uses WordPress highlight called “Post Formats”. Utilizing “Post Formats” highlight posts can be styled diversely and autonomously of one another. In the event that you need to make your blog entry more adaptable you can utilize various types of post configurations like picture, video or statements.

Presenting WordPress Theme Customizer Theme Customization screen (for example “Subject Customizer”) permits site administrators to change topic’s settings and see the review of those progressions in a constant. You’ll have the option to transfer your header picture as a logo or to change the site title and slogan, tones and that’s only the tip of the iceberg.


WordPress Theme Customizer

Responsive Design

Various page formats

Post Formats

Jetpack Widget Visibility – this amazing component permits you to pick on which page your specific gadget shows up or dissapears

Topic is styled for “WooCommerce” module

Discourse slider module

Widgetize footer and diverse widgetized sidebars

2 Custom menus – menu and socials

Item Information

Last Update: 26.04.2021
Released: 26.04.2021
Version: Product Specs Created: Jun 20, 2014 File Type: JPG, PHP, HTML, CSS, JS, PNG, ZIP, WOFF, EOT, SVG, TTF, XML, GIF
File Size: 11.94 MB