Architect WordPress Theme


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About the Product

Designer WordPress subject is a top notch responsive WordPress topic, particularly for an industry that needs insignificant, innovative and current, feels like engineering, inside plan, domain, building, urbanism, homes and substantially more.

Draftsman is assessed an interesting and popular WordPress topic for engineering and inside organization with spotless and current plan. With plan insignificant and center around show projects, Architect will make your work look more great and appealing to watchers. You can utilize it for a great deal of site, for example, engineering organizations, inside studio, development, private plan, furniture or basically close to home sites need to show portfolio with a look imaginative and noteworthy more.

Designer is an inventive, inside plan and urbanism WordPress subject. It has a wide scope of mind boggling highlights and incorporates $150 worth of treats, all you require to make a marvelous engineering site in an extraordinarily simple method of setting aside cash and time doing it. Construct any site plan without coding! You can have a completely prepared site fully operational inside only a couple minutes. Planner isn’t only a subject, it’s an assortment of astonishing models with huge loads of highlights.

1-Click Demo Content Import – One of the most valuable highlights that a WordPress subject can have. You will very much want to begin the site improvement measure at a similar beginning stage as the great topic demo pages, so you can rapidly plan the site you had always wanted. You can completely utilize our deliberately made demo substance to begin with an all set site with 1-click as it were!

Page Builder – The simplified Visual Composer ($46 esteem) page manufacturer for WordPress will save you huge loads of time chipping away at your site content. Presently you’ll have the option to make complex designs in no time! This Page Builder can be utilized on your site front-finish to make your work simpler. You should simply relocate the substance and see the outcome right away.

Extreme Addons for Visual Composer – Extend Visual Composer and add more capacity to it! This module ($26 an incentive for nothing) adds a few premium components in your Visual Composer on top of the implicit ones given by WPBakery. Each and every component in the bundle is created with most extreme regard for subtleties and a basic target to give you an extreme encounter. We’ve put a great deal of time and care to guarantee that every one of the components are adaptable so they will open boundless opportunities for you while keeping up straightforwardness at the center.

Visual Elements Plugin – Extend your page building experience and conceivable outcomes with our module components list with the elite Visual Elements module that will add astounding new substance components to your Visual Composer.

Responsive – We realize responsivity is significant once we live in a versatile world. It’s significant that your site be just about as open as fundamental on all gadgets. Nonetheless, we felt that responsive plan was something different we needed to make stunningly better for you. Far better for the web. Ensure our topic is completely responsive!

Topic Options (Customizer) – The best control board at any point made with many natural alternatives to bring your WordPress site to the following degree of customization and effectively apply, empower or handicap.

WordPress login page customization

Favicon, dim logo/white and uncommon versatile logo transfer.

Back-to-top and social sharing catch choices

Additional menu choice for various menus for each page

Shading alternatives (drift, dropdown, sub-menu, foundations, headers and worldwide)

Typography alternatives (size, text style, letter dividing, weight control) for every territory of your site)

Header alternatives (symbols, position, stature, liveliness, style, logos, top header data, telephone number, informal communities and email address)

Footer alternatives (sections, colors, picture transfer, stature, text and social region)

Portfolio post sort choices

Colleague choices

Custom URLs slug for any post sort

Information base choices

Blog choices (blog style, post perspectives, post preferences, related posts, standard and single post sidebar control)

404 page not discovered choices (picture, foundation tone, text, shading, title and adjust)

Contact map format alternatives (map address, shading, text, zoom and picture market transfer)

Interpersonal organizations alternatives

Page change alternatives (load movement, shading, and impacts)

WooCommerce alternatives (sidebar position, header tone, social offer catches, header slider, subtitle and title messages)

Custom code (following code, HTML code, CSS code and JS code)

Shortcodes – To supplement the best page developer and help you, considerably more, Shortcodes empower you to turn into a force client and take your site higher than ever. Be that as it may, you’re just on par with what you’re furnished with your subject. With Architect WordPress subject, we’ve fabricated astonishing shortcode to supplement the wide range of various 100+ page developer components. See some of them:


Ready Box

Sound Embed





Lightbox Images/Videos

Single Image




Clear Divider

Tab Section


Video Embed

Insurgency Slider

Social Buttons Sharing


Typography – The web is above all else a typographic medium. Therefore, we needed to guarantee that the degree of authority over your site’s typography was unmatched in some other WordPress topic available. We’ve not just included more than 800 free Google Fonts to use in your subject. We accomplish more!

Segments – To all the more likely show your substance! With our page developer line segments components, you can assemble any page design you need, you can without much of a stretch pick between 1. 2. 3. 4 and 6 segments with balance or 1/3 + 2/3. you can make any design you need and have the total opportunity to assemble your own sections format as simple as a tick on a catch. Your lone breaking point it’s your creative mind!

Section Height, Gaps and Position – Control the tallness of your segments by applying equivalent stature alternative. Set holes between sections or consolidate them with a single tick. Control position of sections and substance inside segments with vertical arrangement.

Parallax Background for Rows – Add parallax style foundation to Visual Composer columns. Consolidate Design Options and parallax foundation to make much further developed formats.

Frontend Editor – Enjoy a “What You See Is What You Get” page building experience with our astonishing frontend proofreader. Perceive how your substance will look on the frontend, in a split second, with no extra snaps or switches.

Backend Editor – Prefer to deal with the backend? Don’t worry about it! Visual Composer actually upholds local substance the board on the backend, with every one of the significant capacities and alternatives readily available.

Progressed Grid Builder – Visual Composer accompanies progressed lattice developer packaged. Show posts, portfolio, and some other custom posts type or media in a lattice or workmanship matrix. Huge loads of choices and 40+ predefined styles.

Format System – Copy or re-utilize existing pages, and save layouts for some other time. Fabricate posts utilizing 40+ expert, pre-characterized formats from the WPBakery group.

Plan Options – Control what elements look like with new Design Options. Set lines, edges, paddings, line range and foundation with a couple of basic snaps. Use shading board and alpha to upgrade your plan. Make cutting-edge plan arrangements effortlessly.

Video Background – Insert YouTube recordings into column foundations to make dynamic and outwardly engaging impacts. Consolidate YouTube video foundation with Visual Composer parallax impact.

Cross Browser Compatibility – No program is given up with the Architect WordPress topic! All advanced programs upheld by Marvel incorporate Google Chrome, Firefox, IE, Opera, and Safari.

Slider Revolution – Architect upholds as well as incorporates the top notch Slider Revolution module (a $26 an incentive) free of charge alongside your acquisition of the subject. Effectively make and oversee extraordinary slideshows with charming changes and activitys that are generally totally responsive. With Marvel, you can undoubtedly remember a slider for any page with the best slider module.

Posts Slider – You can fabricate an astonishing posts-slider from ordinary WordPress posts. You should simply arrangement one slide and Slider Revolution accomplishes practically everything! There are in a real sense a huge number of design mixes.

Contact Form 7 – Architect WordPress topic upholds the best contact structure module and furthermore show it exquisitely and have components to handily apply it structure in a page.

Social – Enable web-based media symbols and simple offer usefulness with the snap of a catch to any interpersonal organization and show it on your footer, sub-menus, side menu or page body zone.

Site Layout – Choose between boxed or full-width formats across all Stacks to discover a plan that genuinely suits your necessities.

Interpretation Ready – Architect WordPress subject is interpretation prepared to more readily serve you.

Kid Theme Compatible – Architect WordPress topic is youngster subject viable, with kid topics accessible upon your acquisition of the topic to make customization simple and easy.

Retina Theme – Show your substance in the most ideal manner clear and in top notch on the whole gadgets.

Clean Code – Architect WordPress topic adjusts to industry best practices at all levels. The meticulousness given by our designers on all levels is totally unmatched. Executing the most recent HTML5 and CSS3 methods, we build up the subject as well as work with it on our own sites and activities consistently.

4000 Icons (extendable) – We realize everyone cherishes great symbols set so we’ve made a magnificent symbols rundown to you offer wings to your creative mind and make your plan more novel with Font-Awesome and IcoMoon most needed symbols. For the situation, you need to add more symbols you can undoubtedly do that free of charge with our definitive symbols snake.

Custom Post Types – With Architect WordPress subject you have some extraordinary presents types on better show your substance with our Portfolio, Team Member, Knowledge Base and gives you an opportunity t