Basic color combinations
Basic color combinations
In garfic design, as in any other form of art, color combinations play an important role – they affect the viewer’s mood, emotions and feelings.
As the main tool for creating color combinations, the color wheel is used – it is on its basis that this article discusses possible ways to combine colors.
1. Complementary colors
A combination of complementary (complementary) colors. This is the name of the colors in a circle that are located on opposite sides to each other.
So: purple with yellow, blue with orange, red with green. What is remarkable, when superimposed on each other (mixing), they absorb (remove) each other. Red + green = gray.
2. Classical triad
A combination of 3 colors at an equal distance from each other (classic triad).
For example: red-yellow-blue; green-orange-purple, etc. One color is chosen as the main color, the other 2 are used as accents.
3. Analog triad
A combination of 3 colors in close proximity to each other (analog triad).
Example: yellow-green combined with green blue-green; red with red-violet and violet, etc. This combination is used to create soft, harmonious compositions.
Also, one is chosen as the main one, and 2 others are used to support it.
4. Contrast triad
A combination of complementary colors opposite each other in a circle (contrasting triad).
Here, not just the opposite color is taken, as in the first case, but 2 colors located next to it.
If, for example, we have chosen complementary colors: green – red. In this case, instead of green, there will be blue-green and yellow-green. This option is moderately contrasting, softer than the first.