Top 6 Best Practices for Managing Human Risks

Top 6 Best Practices for Managing Human Risks

Human risks, stemming from the actions, decisions, and behaviors of individuals within an organization, can pose significant challenges to businesses in various industries. Effectively managing human risks requires proactive measures to identify, assess, mitigate, and monitor potential threats to organizational success and reputation. Here are the top five best practices for managing human risks:

1. Cultivate a Culture of Ethics and Compliance:

Establish a strong culture of ethics, integrity, and compliance throughout the organization, starting from the top leadership down to every employee. Clearly communicate the organization’s values, code of conduct, and expectations for ethical behavior. Encourage open communication, transparency, and accountability, and provide training and resources to help employees understand and adhere to ethical standards and regulatory requirements.

2. Invest in Employee Training and Development:

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Provide comprehensive training and development programs to equip employees with the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to recognize and mitigate human risks effectively. Offer training on topics such as ethical decision-making, diversity and inclusion, conflict resolution, and compliance with laws and regulations. Provide ongoing education and support to ensure that employees are aware of their responsibilities and empowered to make ethical and informed decisions.

3. Implement Robust Policies and Procedures:

Develop and implement clear, comprehensive policies and procedures that address key areas of human risk, such as data security, workplace conduct, employee relations, and safety, using the best human risk management platform to streamline and enhance these efforts. Ensure that policies are aligned with legal and regulatory requirements and reflect best practices in risk management. Regularly review and update policies to address emerging risks and changing business environments, and communicate expectations to employees consistently.

4. Foster Effective Leadership and Governance:

Establish strong leadership and governance structures to oversee human risk management efforts and promote a culture of accountability and responsibility. Ensure that leaders lead by example, demonstrate commitment to ethical behavior and compliance, and hold themselves and others accountable for upholding organizational values. Implement regular monitoring, oversight, and review processes to identify and address human risks proactively.

5. Encourage Reporting and Feedback:

Create a supportive environment where employees feel comfortable reporting concerns, raising questions, and providing feedback on human risk issues. Establish clear channels for reporting, such as anonymous hotlines, open-door policies, or dedicated email addresses, and ensure that reports are handled promptly, confidentially, and impartially. Encourage proactive communication and collaboration among employees, managers, and relevant stakeholders to address human risks effectively.

6. Reducing Human Risks with CMMS

Implementing Maintenance Management Software significantly mitigates human risks in industrial and facility management settings. By automating the scheduling and tracking of maintenance tasks, a CMMS ensures that critical equipment inspections and repairs are performed consistently and on time, reducing the likelihood of human error and oversight. Additionally, CMMS platforms provide comprehensive documentation and real-time data, enabling maintenance teams to make informed decisions and swiftly address potential issues before they escalate.

This proactive approach not only enhances safety by preventing equipment failures and workplace accidents but also promotes regulatory compliance and extends the lifespan of assets, ultimately contributing to a more efficient and secure operational environment.


Managing human risks is a complex and multifaceted endeavor that requires a holistic approach encompassing culture, training, policies, leadership, and communication. By cultivating a culture of ethics and compliance, investing in employee training and development, implementing robust policies and procedures, fostering effective leadership and governance, and encouraging reporting and feedback, organizations can mitigate human risks and create a safer, more ethical, and resilient workplace. Embracing these best practices can help organizations navigate the challenges of managing human risks effectively and protect their reputation, integrity, and long-term success.