ProService HVAC Joomla Template


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About the Product

Fabricated utilizing the Bootstrap responsive system, ProService HVAC is an expert quality one-page/presentation page layout for warming and cooling organizations. It is effortlessly modified and stacked with prepared to-utilize content utilizing our quickstart bundle.


This layout is multi-page prepared and can without much of a stretch be progressed to a multi-page site with your own substance. The download bundle accompanies a broad establishment and help documentation. With our Akeeba Backup quickstart establishment bundle, you’re all set in minutes. Our bundle contains more than 10 expansions, 16 preset shading styles, and has a responsive design to work wonderfully on work areas, tablets, and cell phones.

Demo pictures are excluded from the buy package and have been supplanted with placeholder pictures. Shading styles include: blue, blue dim, light blue, naval force blue, purple, red, medium red, dull red, orange, cyan, blue-green, mint green, green, dim green, dark.

Akeeba Backup Component

AllVideos Plugin

BT Google Maps Module

ChronoForms6 Component/Module

JCE Editor Component

SlideshowCK Module

JQuery Easy Plugin

Sourcerer (any code) Plugin

The Grue Menu

ST Testimonial Slider

DJ Image Slider

Item Information

Last Update: 02.04.2021
Released: 02.04.2021
Version: Product Specs Created: Jul 25, 2018 File Type: ZIP, JS, PNG, PHP, CSS, HTML, JPG
File Size: 35.82 MB