34 best lectures for designers


34 best lectures for designers

We have collected 34 best lectures for you, in which famous designers and reputable art directors will tell you a lot of interesting things, share their experience and give specific advice to practicing designers.

The selection contains seminars, master classes and lectures on various topics: from an hour and a half course in typography to step-by-step instructions for opening your own studio, from basic techniques for working with color to the principles of a designer working under tight deadlines.

Happy viewing!

“I am an art director”

Erken Kagarov is a personality, without exaggeration, cult and legendary in Russian design.

Laureate of countless Russian and international design competitions, author of dozens, if not hundreds, of logos, some of which we see almost every day: Pharmacy Chain 36.6, Radio Silver Rain, political party Yabloko, etc.

Stole, drank, into design!

A public educational project of the Russian design community, the main goals of which are to improve the quality of design in Russia, exchange practical knowledge and build effective communication between the capital and the regions, as well as within the design community as a whole.

Video tutorial on prepress. Color separation

A capacious and high-quality material class for prepress and color separation on the example of preparing a catalog for printing.

How to work with “creative individuals”

Temporarily, you have a unique opportunity to view a recording of a lecture without cuts and editing: how to be a leader and how to motivate boobies-designers.

Design your own brain

“I don’t think anyone can be taught to think. But one in five is allowed. And every second out of every fifth can be taught to come up with what is called design. “

Project design presentation. Recommendations for the art director

Dmitry Karpov on the method of project presentation, construction and systematization of arguments, hypotheses and research results for a convincing presentation of the project to the client.

Creative Design: Love Signs, Hate Symbols

Words or phrases turn into visual memes and start an independent life. Meanings flow from texts to images and back, mutate, acquire the infectiousness of viruses, and adapt to new contexts.

How to analyze these transformations, understand their patterns and use them to synthesize symbols in advertising? We will teach.

Seminar on typography within the walls of Ne Kino studio

There is a conviction among designers: good design will not work without typography skills. The lecture will tell about how to correctly and beautifully arrange the text, about the history of the creation of fonts and the meaning of the text in our life.

How to open your own design studio?

If you decide to open your own design studio, you will be faced with many questions: how to register a company? what to choose: individual entrepreneur or LLC? what types of taxation are there? which view is best for me?

The basics of visual brand communication

The video talks about the basics of brand positioning through visual communications. The topics of the essence of identity and its components are also touched upon.

Animation is hard

Lecture by Pavel Muntian.

Design of periodicals

Lecture by Leonid Bershidsky “Features of the journal rubricator” on the course “Design of periodicals”.

Leonid examines the structure of the magazines “Itogi”, “Ogonek”, Star Hit, “Gastranom”, talks about his personal experience in publishing and reveals the secret of the ideal Men’s Health rubricator.

Three generations of packaging design

The founder and creative director of DesignDepo talks about the contact space in packaging design at the Moscow Design Museum as part of the three generations of packaging design lecture series.

Taking InDesign to the Next Level

Lecture on working in the Adobe Indesign program.

Resource states of creativity

A motivating lecture for creative people from Ivan Bogdanov will tell you how to develop your talent, increase your efficiency and become who you want.

What should be the design?

Art director of the studio Artemy Lebedeva will briefly talk about what the design should be and point out the main mistakes of designers.

Basic techniques in interaction design

A short lecture on the practice of thinking in terms of digital interactive interactions. Designing user perception, actions and experiences.

It is useful for all designers as an opportunity to look at the process of working on a project, as a solution to the problem of designing perception and creating a scenario for the perception of a design object.

20 minutes on managing a creative team

Twenty minutes from the creative department management seminar. Designers, planners, copywriters. Process influence tactics.

Web design is dead. DIY resuscitation

Presentation at Microsoft Design Camp 2013. Thematic overview of formats in web design. Sometimes it may seem that web design has stopped developing, predictable solutions, obsolete technologies.

Let’s look at interactive formats, compositional stereotypes, to get started, design and create new interesting solutions on any screens.


An extremely interesting lecture on a competent approach to creating high-quality branding. A lot of interesting things, we recommend.

Put things aside until tomorrow

A report for those who sometimes notice that time oozes like sand through their fingers. Sometimes it seems that in order to do everything, there must be 48 hours in a day.

But even if this were so, then apart from the fact that it would have been possible to leave work not at 22:00, but at 46:00, nothing would have changed.

Provincial Lectures VII. Agency “PUNK YOU BRANDS”

Representatives of the Barnaul agency PUNK YOU BRANDS (http://punk-you.ru/) spoke at the next Provincial lecture. As part of the lecture “The Creative Power of Trolling or Punky Hoi!” Ildar Shale and Danil Snitko told the respectable audience about life, orders, clients, fake advertising festival and other delights of working in a cool branding agency.

Mapping: art on the facade of a building

Lecture by producer and artist Alexei Shustov and video artist Fyodor Aptekarev, as part of the educational program of the exhibition “Space LUCIDA”.

The lecturers talked about the two main components of mapping: the meaningfulness of the projection of the image onto the facade and the story that the artist seeks to tell through the play of light.

Artemy Lebedev in Bali (Conference 9.10.13)

Video from a wonderful meeting with readers of Artemy Lebedev that took place on 9.10.13 outside Bali.

Sergey Shapiro – Open lecture at the Wordshop Academy

Open lecture by Sergei Shapiro “Author’s lettering and calligraphy” at the Wordshop Academy of Communications.

Algebra of taste or how to choose a design

A lot of copies break down on the topic of what color to make the headline or whether the desired effect is produced by an emotional picture on the main page.

As a rule, one can argue to the point of hoarseness about “cold” or “warm” tones, about the “power of persuasion.” Or you can simply measure – with the involvement of users. How to do this and what results can be achieved will be discussed in the report.

V. Melamed on current trends in illustration
Seminar V. Melamed at the Art. Lebedev Studio.

Graphic design. Forum “COPPER”

Denis Bashev – graphic designer, art director. He worked at Shandesign, Front: Design and PHPG, improved his qualifications at the Velvet School of Calligraphy and Central Saint Martins, the founder of the Province design studio.

Currently works at LOGVINDESIGN. Work experience – 12 years.

Designer’s work under tight deadlines

Lecture by Sergey Andronov, art director of the Hungry Boys agency, on the intricacies of web design and the use of Creative Cloud in his work.

Ivanovsky about design

Photographer’s comment: I was asked to tell you about the future of design, raved about an hour and a half. No one seems to have cut through. (30% percent of what is pronounced is gon)

What a design thinker is made of

Lecture by Rodion Arsenyev, creative director of the Red Keds agency on the topic “What a design thinker is made of”

Web designer: a creative profession for the free agent

To create a successful website, just beautiful pictures and text are not enough. We need an original idea and a unified concept, organically combined with simplicity and ease of use. But how do you come up with this idea? Artem Geller, one of the most active members of the Russian design community, is sincerely passionate about the topic of design in an interactive environment.